Sentences with phrase «continued flow»

Otherwise, the session may be spent feeling like playing catch - up and giving an overview instead of continuing the flow of the process.
They wanted to continue the flow into their adjacent dining room and kitchen, but didn't want to completely tear out their existing space and start fresh.
In the end the second half was about keeping the result than continuing our flow in the game.
Breast compression continues the flow of milk once the baby starts falling asleep at the breast and results in the baby: • Getting more milk.
Researchers found that once the metal starts to flow, it can continue flowing even as the melt fraction decreases significantly.
Continue flowing smoothly between the two positions, paying attention to your breath.
It's important to me to continue the flow of leads at a consistent pace.
So I expect Australia to thrive as money continues flowing into it.
If there's still lining to be shed the uterus will continue the flow as the muscle walls relax again a day or so later.»
As I wind my way through the exhibits, people continue flow in, slowly filling the massive vessel.
The Duke cloak, constructed from a synthetic structure called a metamaterial, prevented those disturbances by bending light waves around the object, allowing them to continue flowing like water in a stream around a rock (concept shown at right).
You could choose to continue flowing through Upward - Facing Dog and Downward - Facing Dog.
SBI money back plan offers a dual benefit of saving cum protection plan that provides continues flow of income in a regular interval of time.
Equity markets were in the spotlight this past year, and deservedly so, but both US and global fixed income markets posted positive returns despite the tremendous continued flows into stocks.
First, tens of billions continue flowing annually to IPCC scientists and bureaucrats and renewable energy programs.
What kind of communal ORE mentality thinks that trading off exposure of the public interest to a largely incompetent churning membership balances out with the forces of continuing the flow of income dollars into ORE's / brokerages» coffers?
Which makes perfect sense, since you're likely to feel more secure knowing you can count on a certain amount of income to continue flowing in the rest of your life regardless of whether the financial markets go haywire.
Breast compression continues the flow of milk once the baby is no longer drinking from (only sucking at) the breast and results in the baby:
With its headwaters in distant Hindu Kush glaciers, the river would have continued flowing even in the hottest summers or longest droughts.
The Johns Hopkins researchers say S -4-CPG keeps glutamate «in check,» prevents or reduces vasospasm and allows oxygen - filled blood to continue flowing into the brain.
That new agreement ensures that Mobil 1 motor oil will continue flowing as the factory fill of choice for the current 2014 Corvette Stingray and the highly anticipated 2015 Corvette Z06 due out next year.
The continuing flow of solid economic data in Japan, and more upbeat assessments of the economy by Japanese officials, strengthened hopes that the current upturn will be sustained.
Judging by the continued flow of assets into passive index funds and ETFs, investors remain unfazed by these concerns.
Only the massive westward migration and the still - continuing flow of immigrants to our shores rival the history of race relations as factors defining the American character.
The sole purpose of breast compression is to continue the flow of milk to the baby once the baby no longer drinks on his own.
If the baby falls asleep quickly at the breast, you can compress the breast to continue the flow of milk (handout # 15 Breast Compression).
The purpose of breast compression is to continue the flow of milk to the baby once the baby no longer drinks (open — pause — close type of suck) on his own.
If the baby falls asleep quickly at the breast, you can compress the breast to continue the flow of milk.
The purpose of breast compression is to continue the flow of milk to the baby once the baby no longer drinks («open mouth wide — pause — then close mouth» type of suck) on his own, and thus keep him drinking milk.
Here, the most important advantages are protection against infection, and, where the infant's own mother supplies most of the milk, a continued flow and ultimate success in direct breastfeeding.
The Egyptian economy is in dire need of financial assistance, and this development requires its incumbent rulers to be on good terms with the Gulf States, in return for aid and the continued flow of expat remittances.
To some degree, therefore, we are all addicts insofar as we tend to seek out activities which ensure the continued flow of dopamine and subsequent pleasure.
Also on the programme the continuing flow of Lava from Hawaii Mount Kilauea; And a royal wedding with a difference.
«Support for Yes is solid and as we move into the final eight weeks of the campaign we will be working hard to continue the flow of undecided voters to our side,» Yes Scotland chief executive Blair Jenkins said.
Hevesi is just one of many state officials who has spent time in prison, but the State Constitution guarantees the continued flow of pension benefits.
Continue this flow 8 to 10 times.
Each two - scoop serving of Six Star ® Casein Protein delivers 40g of protein, including slow - digesting casein, which helps feed your muscles with a continued flow of amino acids (the building blocks of muscle).
The slower digestion and delivery helps feed your muscles with a continued flow of powerful amino acids.
Each two - scoop serving of Six Star ® Casein Protein delivers 48g of protein, including slow - digesting casein, which helps feed your muscles with a continued flow of BCAAs (the building blocks of muscle).
The slower digestion and delivery helps feed your muscles with a continued flow of powerful BCAAs.
Instead, Congress simply extended NCLB from one year to the next (a necessary step if federal funds were to continue flowing to the states).
Meanwhile, as William Howell explains in his review of recent overviews of school voucher research in «Data Vacuum,» we can look forward to a continuing flow of «objective,» «reasonable,» and «comprehensive» summaries of recent research, each written authoritatively from a particular ideological perspective.
Like the shoulder line and character line, the striking line contour of the rear wing performs an integrating function, bringing together the side section and the rear end, since the line running above the rear wheel arch abuts the tail light which, for its part, is drawn deeply into the car's flank and continues the flow of the line seamlessly at the rear end.
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