Sentences with phrase «continued guidance»

Ideally, your boss should follow up on your progress after providing criticism in order to provide continued guidance.
Once underway with their project, institutions receive continued guidance, information and networking opportunities to support the project's development and implementation.
Formulated and executed 24 hours operations along with continuing guidance curriculum for 800 representatives for the new center of Indianapolis.
We earnestly invoke the Holy Spirit's continuing guidance in further establishing and making manifest our unity in the truth of Jesus Christ, so that the world may come to believe (John 17:21).
While these young tweens may consider themselves mature and responsible, they often need continued guidance as they prepare to transition fully to independent learners.
In a statement responding to FinCEN's letter on Friday, AGA President and Chief Executive Officer Geoff Freemansaid the group «welcomes continued guidance from FinCEN.»
IPA and PLA are a strong example of how a district is leading a robust transformational education model and how the SEA can support through continued guidance and support through SIG.
With your continued guidance, MATS will remain the platform of choice for the heavy - duty trucking industry and help you attain new heights of success in the business of trucking.
«Marlene has long been a supporter of our organization and we look forward to having her continued guidance on the Women of the Vine & Spirits Advisory Board,» adds Brenner.
wenger said after our fac win he believed we could win the epl — if there's any substance to his continued guidance and expectation why are we being scalped by watford, stoke, brighton, swans, its pitiful we're openly being accused of on the field cowardice — then in europe we get turned over by «Ostersunds» «Koln» - wenger tenure was a joy but has since become an annoyance.
Thanks for the continued guidance.
I don't know what I would have done without your continues guidance even at my adulthood.
In fact there are 2 things that New York can look forward to, under a continued guidance by Gov. Cuomo.
I am grateful beyond words for his continued guidance and support of me.
We are very grateful for the continued guidance and support from Lee and Arthur Herbst.
Collaborative learning offers the support of a group in the implementation of new strategies, allowing group members to choose the direction of their professional development and providing necessary, continued guidance for the learning and implementation of effective teaching practices.
The Agri - food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) has answered this call for help by implementing compulsory pet care courses for all pet shop operators to enable them to handle pets properly and provide continued guidance to pet owners.
It will serve your marketing focus to have this procedure down to a science before you begin; it can be modified later as you learn what your limited scope clients need as far as continued guidance and instruction.
This is a tough time for your four year old but your continued guidance and having faith that he can do better can make a huge difference!
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