Sentences with phrase «continued importance»

The report also places a strong emphasis on the importance of continuing importance of educational outcomes throughout the transition between childhood and early adulthood.
Further, it provides an important platform to increase awareness of the neighborhood's continued importance as an arts district.
As lending requirements tighten and loan - to - cost ratios decrease, we expect to see continued importance placed on a developer's ability to source external capital to fund individual projects and potentially their entire pipeline.
Featuring work by more than 150 artists from over 500 exhibitions staged at Lisson's galleries in London, Milan and New York since 1967, this substantial 1200 - page volume celebrates the legacy and continuing importance of Lisson.
Award - winning film - maker and author, Stephen Trombley offers a fresh analysis of the key thinkers whose work from the Enlightenment to the present day is of continued importance as we proceed into the 21st century.
This is not to deny the continuing importance of the major industrial economies, or the potential feedback effects of slower growth in the major economies on commodity prices.
As the discussion of the «Evangelicals and Catholics Together» document has made clear, the theological agenda of the Reformation remains of continuing importance to modern Christianity, particularly in the United States.
The report, «Cathedrals and their communities», is the culmination of a year - long tour which saw the Minister for Faith, Lord Bourne visit all of England's 42 Anglican cathedrals to better understand their continued importance both to local communities and wider society.
A new report commending England's 42 Anglican cathedrals for their continued importance as places of worship, their wider community work and their commitment to promoting local economic growth has been published today by the Department for Communities and Local Government.
It may be useful to cite two exemplary witnesses to the continuing importance of a critically appreciative approach to the work of Thomas Aquinas.
But if the perspective offered in The Sacred Canopy was largely accurate in predicting the continuing importance of the sacred, the social sciences have moved subtly away from some of the assumptions on which this perspective was based.
Herewith, then, are some convictions about the continuing importance and vitality of the mainline churches.
Sixty years later, a new English translation of Bonhoeffer's Ethics testifies to the continuing importance of his thought, as well as his life.
The method was deductive, emphasis being placed on the continuing importance of the principle of subsidiarity as enunciated in Quadragesimo Anno (1931).
For as long as I can remember, the CHRISTIAN CENTURY has been the principal forum for mainline Protestantism; yet that is a world completely foreign to me at this point, a world that, despite its continuing importance in my own society, barely attracts my attention and is nearly irrelevant to my ongoing concerns.
According to Carol Gilligan, for example, «the elusive mystery of women's development lies in its recognition of the continuing importance of attachment in the human life cycle» (IDV 23).
A new report commending England's 42 Anglican cathedrals for their continued importance as places of... More
It remains to be seen whether or not that is the case, as of the pair, Bonucci is likely to be the more difficult to prise away from Italy given his continued importance as the leader in the centre of Juve's defence.
All the problems that are caused by Carrick's absence from the team only serve to highlight his continued importance.
Recognition of the continuing importance of the extended family in children's lives when parents separate.
«Our research is important because it emphasises the continued importance of the family in caring for dependent older people and shows the similarities between UK minority communities and the wider population», said Professor Victor.
This stasis on the national political stage (especially as Brexit negotiations continue to occupy time and resources), as well as the growing political divides in cities across the country, point to the continuing importance of the devolution agenda, and the need for the Government to enhance and expand it.
Also the interview, May was also keen to stress the continuing importance of religion during the festive season.
No 10 said May would be carrying a message to Washington about the continuing importance of Nato after revealing that the prime minister spoke to Jens Stoltenberg, the alliance's general secretary, on Sunday afternoon.
Governor Andrew Cuomo today emotionally supported the continuing importance and value of immigration, harshly attacking those would want to severely limit it.
AAAS noted that Zerbo receiving the award highlights the continued importance of science diplomacy leadership on the issue of nuclear testing, as well as Zerbo's substantial contributions to these efforts.
After an hour - long informational session, a follow - up questionnaire found that nearly all attendees were able to correctly answer questions about the rationale for screening, the difference between the need for additional testing and a cancer diagnosis, the benefit of negative screenings as a baseline for future comparisons, and the continued importance of physical examinations.
The 62 - member advocacy group said it was pleased the legislation calls for «robust but sustainable funding increases for the National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institute of Standards and Technology» (NIST) and that it «recognizes the past success and continuing importance of the NSF's merit review process.»
Despite setbacks in targeting mutant Ras genes, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) recently emphasized the continued importance of this elusive drug target by announcing a focused $ 10 million effort, dubbed the RAS project, to bring together researchers to develop new ideas for blocking Ras.
It also underscores the continued importance of museum collections in modern science,» Austin said.
«This demonstrates the continuing importance of people,» the authors note, «and cautions against the over-reliance on current technological systems.»
In what seemed to be a concerted, silently agreed upon effort, the over two dozen designers that showed their Winter 2011/12 collections to an international audience proved that a radical organizational reinvention isn't necessary to make a strong case for Fashion Rio's continued importance.
Growing up I always dreamt of a wedding in the summer (my favorite season), but we ended up choosing to get married in the fall due to the continued importance of family throughout our planning.
Anthony Carnevale, the lead author of this report, gave me the scoop on this important data, noting that «Good jobs that have been prominent in this recovery include managers, software developers, physicians and surgeons, registered nurses, financial analysts and computer occupations,» all pointing toward the continued importance of a college education, despite what certain pessimists might claim.
Ann discussed the continued importance of Camfed, the various changes in education inequality that have occurred since she began her work in Africa, and the benefits of the WISE Prize for Education she received at the end of last year.
Nevertheless, the gas mask demonstrates the continued importance of horses behind the front lines as the military invested in protection for them in the face of another technological change, the use of gas.
The figures confirmed 2014 as the show's most successful year to date, reflecting its continued importance within the education sector,» French continued.
(This decision may or may not apply to Common Core, but it shows the continuing importance of federalism.)
Model: The Continued Importance of High School Personnel's Support in the High School - to - College Transition
On August 4, 2011, the Secretary of Transportation, along with heads of other Federal agencies, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Justice and Executive Order 12898 (EJ MOU) confirming the continued importance of identifying and addressing EJ considerations in agency programs, policies and activities as required by E.O. 12898.
On August 4, 2011, the Secretary of Transportation joined heads of other Federal agencies in signing the EJ MOU, acknowledging the continued importance of EJ and pledging to review and update, as applicable, existing EJ strategies with a focus, as appropriate, on the following areas: implementation of NEPA; implementation of Title VI; impacts from climate change; and impacts from commercial transportation and supporting infrastructure.
As evidence of the show's continuing importance to automakers, five production models made their North American or world debuts at this year's event.
In recognition of the continued importance of children's basic rights around the globe, the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 was awarded to Indian activist Kailash Satyarthi whose organization Bachpan Bachao Andolan, or Save the Childhood Movement, fights against child labor and trafficking; and to Pakistani teenager Malala Yousafzai, an activist for girls» right to education.
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