Sentences with phrase «continued opposition»

The bill had to be heard in a conference committee due to continued opposition by some of the senate members.
Others, though, have said they believed the data base went dormant in the face of continued opposition by gun enthusiasts who remain angry at the SAFE Act.
An omnibus bill alleviating some of the headaches associated with North Carolina's class size crisis easily passed the state House by a 104 - 12 margin Tuesday, despite continuing opposition from top Democrats on its controversial Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Board of Elections provisions.
Construction has begun on the Thirty Meter Telescope, despite continuing opposition by cultural and environmental activists
Elizabeth faces continuing opposition from Spain and its delegates, court personnel would like her to marry and have a male heir, and she doesn t know what to do about her cousin, imprisoned in Scotland, Mary Stuart (Samantha Morton.)
Mayor Bloomberg this morning continued his opposition to the Obama administration's latest efforts to rein in the financial industry, warning that the «segregation» of Wall Street could «destroy» a key segment of the city and state economies.
Cuomo referred to marijuana as a «gateway drug» less than a year ago and, at the time, announced continued opposition to recreational marijuana.
«It's disappointing to see continued opposition to adding PSHE to the national curriculum — something which had cross-party support in 2010, and only didn't become law because the plans were not passed before the general election.
Two more «yes» voters — Sens. Mark Grisanti and Steve Saland — both of who won their Sept. 13 GOP primaries (or, in Saland's case, eked out a victory)-- will face continued opposition from so - called «values voters» in the November general election, McGuire pledged.
The information commissioner Richard Thomas ruled the draft should be made public in May and the tribunal has now upheld that decision, despite continued opposition by the government.
In spite of assurances last week from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who said the pipeline «will get built,» the company said the decision was prompted by continued opposition by the British Columbia government and lack of clarity about the way ahead for the $ 7.4 billion project, which the company said has already cost $ 1.1 billion.
Thanks largely to B.C. Premier Christy Clark's brinkmanship and Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall's continued opposition, one part of the new agreement — putting a price on carbon pollution — dominated Friday's discussions.
The company indicated in a release the risks have increased with the B.C. government's continued opposition.
VANCOUVER, B.C. — Today, the Government of Canada announced it will assert federal jurisdiction through pending legislation and begin discussions with Kinder Morgan on the financial framework for a potential taxpayer - funded investment in the Trans Mountain Expansion Project to mitigate the risk created by the B.C. Government's continued opposition to the project.
Their continuing opposition is what has given rise to the idea that theology and science are inherently in opposition to one another.
Among the other resource persons were Dr. Chito Medina of MASIPAG, who discussed the various strategies to be done to ensure the continued opposition against Bt - talong and other GM crops; Dr. Romeo Quijano of Pesticides Action Network - Philippines, who discussed the health effects of GMOs and Anakpawis Representative Rafael Mariano, who discussed the need for a strict legislation on GMO trials and release.
It's hard to avoid wondering whether this might be a motivation in David Cameron's continued opposition to offshore trust transparency, even in the face of significant pressure to crack down on tax avoidance and evasion.
Margaret Hoover, a conservative CNN contributor, also warned that continued opposition to marriage equality will harm the conservative movement as younger voters grow older.
One of the biggest hurdles has been Malloy's continuing opposition.
Reese is also angry over what he sees as the party leadership's continued opposition to fellow Democrats such as State Assemblyman Michael P. Kearns, who is running for Erie County clerk.
BY DUNCAN OSBORNE As she was discussing crime and the extent to which New York City residents feel safe in the city, Nicole Malliotakis, the presumptive Republican candidate for mayor and a member of the State Assembly since 2011, was asked about her continuing opposition to the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA), which would add gender identity as a protected class to New York's human rights law, hate crimes law, and other statutes.
YouGov also had several questions on Iraq, showing majority support for British airstrikes against ISIS (58 % support for attacks in Iraq, 53 % for attacks in Syria) but continuing opposition to putting ground troops back into Iraq (26 % approve, 53 % disapprove).
Tuesday night the Stony Point Town Board addressed its continuing opposition to United Water's recent 28.9 percent rate increase proposal.
BY CHERYL SLAVIN Tuesday night the Stony Point Town Board addressed its continuing opposition to United Water's recent 28.9 percent rate increase proposal.
The governor's attitude toward the Fitzpatrick plant and the others stands in marked contrast to his continued opposition to the Indian Point power plant — owned by Entergy — which he feels is dangerously close to New York City should an accident occur.
Continued opposition from within the NHS poses a major obstacle, however.
Here's Rick Lazio's latest Web video, in which he continues his opposition to the mosque proposed for construction near Ground Zero, which can move forward after a NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission vote yesterday.
BY DUNCAN OSBORNE As she was discussing crime and the extent to which New York City residents feel safe in the city, Nicole Malliotakis, the presumptive Republican candidate for mayor and a member of the State Assembly since 2011, was asked about her continuing opposition to the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA), which would add gender -LSB-...]
In December 2011, O'Brien reiterated the Catholic Church's continued opposition to civil partnerships and suggested that there should be no laws that «facilitate» same - sex relationships, saying that
The committee's conclusion that Mr Murdoch was not «fit» to run an international company was not supported by any Conservatives but was carried due to Labour backing, continuing the opposition's much starker opposition to News Corp..
The prime minister also criticised sections of the Church for their continued opposition too the policy, warning that they risked closing the door on potential supporters in the same way the Conservative party had done in the 1980s.
George McGavin, assistant curator of entomological collections at the Oxford University Museum and a prominent opponent of Bishop's work, says: «If the experiments continue, I'll continue my opposition
Even if the TMT ultimately gets a go - ahead, supporters worry that continuing opposition may make it difficult to build, staff, and operate the telescope.
It is no doubt fuelling the continuing opposition in states such as Kentucky and Texas to the standards» inclusion of the science of evolution and of climate change (5 October,...
Given a paucity of information and our continued opposition to voucher proposals that shift funding away from public schools, the nation's school leaders can not encourage the Senate HELP Committee to approve Ms. DeVos's nomination.
Aside from his continued opposition to school choice, his fatalist view on the ability of teachers as change agents for children utterly depressed me.
In addition to these specific accomplishments, TCTA's continued opposition to harmful legislation helped fight off numerous bad bills, notably including vouchers and the elimination of payroll deduction; and helped to obtain an improved final bill restructuring TRS - Care.
Despite the vehemence of the continuing opposition to wolf restoration in western open - range ranching county, the view that wolves should be protected and appreciated, not persecuted, has only gained favor over the past three decades plus.
But continued opposition to nuclear power threatens humanity's ability to avoid dangerous climate change.
In this light, it is hard to fathom not only the continued opposition to large investments in energy technology R&D, but the demagoguing of those who do call for such investments.
There is no sensible reason to continue opposition to domestic households being able to access effectively free energy other than vested interests which are not those of wider society.
While U.S. President Donald Trump waffles on whether to continue his opposition of the Paris Agreement and his administration attempts to discredit renewable energy through a misguided grid study, California is not wavering or waiting to take action.
We will make a series of stands along the route — nonviolent but resolute displays of our continued opposition to a project that endangers us all.
The prime minister said Monday that Ottawa is considering a «broad range» of options to ensure Kinder Morgan's pipeline project is completed, despite continuing opposition to the project in B.C.
The efforts by the plaintiff to recover that amount meant that there would be continued opposition and incompatibility between the employer and employee.

Phrases with «continued opposition»

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