Sentences with phrase «continued risk»

In spite of continuing risks from beyond our shores, our Government is leading the world by example.
Email and collaborative work groups are obvious instances that demand real time access and therefore present serious continuing risks — especially because overall employee compliance and security diligence generally still sucks.
A bill that would protect dedicated transit funds from being stolen by Albany failed to pass the legislature this year, leaving riders upstate and downstate at continued risk of further service cuts at the hands of the state budget process.
«Without this legislation, cancer patients are at continued risk of having their rights expire before they even discover malpractice,» said Assemblymember Weinstein.
Essentially, the Fed now has to allow for bad things to happen in both directions - continuing risks on the inflation side, and an «ongoing adjustment» in housing and the mortgage market.
A study that will be presented by Brendon Stiles, MD, Associate Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York - Presbyterian Hospital, at the 95th AATS Annual Meeting finds that these survivors still face continued risks resulting from recurrence of the original cancer, appearance of new primary cancers, or chronic pulmonary disease, and calls for long - term surveillance of these patients.
While seemingly secure in her career and personal life, Thandie has proven she is willing to continue risk taking with her art, as a handful of the movie roles she has chosen show.
The new Ceres analysis showing continued risk to shareholders is consistent with other recent research.
@ClimateReality A5: Yes there are communities that are more vulnerable, but as #climatechange continues all risk increases #CRinFlorida
In addition to incorporating this framework into the way they teach online safety, schools also need to stay up to date with the key online trends and cultural shifts that are presenting continued risks to children online.
The available vaccine covers 4 of the more common types of leptospirosis and should be repeated annually if there is continued risk of exposure.
Even as the effects of the Blob and El Nino dissipate, the central and southern parts of the West Coast face low snow pack and potential drought in 2018 that could put salmon at continued risk as they migrate back up rivers to spawn.
A major study of all penguin species suggests the birds are at continuing risk from habitat degradation.
There's a continued risk to the downside.»
«Although institutional investors recognize that stocks and other asset valuations may have entered bubble territory (US equities» average P / E is around 20x), they can not help but continue their risk - taking.
«France's fiscal policy flexibility is limited, which, together with the policy challenges noted above, imply a continued risk of missing fiscal targets,» the firm added.
However, there is also a continued risk of stillbirth in this trimester.
Important product categories such as feeding and food storage containers, amongst others, are still not being addressed, not to mention the continuing risk of BPA in older children.
At this time, FDA is not recommending that anyone discontinue using products that contain BPA while we continue our risk assessment process.
These intriguing projects, along with his continued risk - taking and growth as an actor, have kept him in demand in the industry.
However, by rejecting our proposal to provide a downside guarantee, the Board has indicated its willingness to place its remaining cash at continued risk, without shareholder consent.
Of course, risk control goes hand in hand with this — even if a distressed stock's v under - valued, it may be wise to limit your stake in light of the continuing risk its excessive debt presents.
Although most cases of diabetes resolve after the pregnancy, there is a continuing risk of it not resolving as the bitch ages.
Second, the nuclear industry must demonstrate that it can reduce the continuing risks to safety and the environment.
The state can now decide to continue risking his credibility with nutcases like Mann and lewandowsky, and so lose all credibility, or concentrate on the more essential lies, and let CO2AGW go.
These are just two examples of the continuing risks and dangers that our winners may face.
Data from 22 countries shows the result: fewer resources per capita and a continued risk of famine in areas with low primary production — that is, the availability of carbon in the form of plant material for consumption as food, fuel and feed.
A must - read is the largely ignored «The continuing risk of troubled assets,» the Aug. 11, 2009 report of the Congressional Oversight Panel chaired by Elizabeth Warren, a professor at Harvard Law School.
However, it refused to release him as he was deemed to be a continuing risk to the public.
As a consequence it was considered that he posed a continuing risk to the public and that his offences were so serious that he represents a genuine and present and sufficiently serious threat to the public in principle such as to justify his deportation.»
Could it be said about some that: «Absent deportation from Canada or permanent incarceration, it appears [t] he [y] posed a continuing risk to do harm to persons with whom [t] he [y] had contact.»
You can imagine the uproar there would have been if the PTB had attempted some sort of prior restrant of individuals who they perceived to be a continuing risk.
Some recent headlines describe luggage raiding as a continued risk for travelers: New TSA «theft» leaves teen's bag $ 100 lighter TSA worker who stole from LAX luggage -LSB-...]
Despite the recent popularity of cryptocurrencies, it's important for investors to understand the continued risk associated with investing in a decentralized virtual coin that, in many cases, is unproven.
It has been my observation (and experience) that dramatic «breakthroughs,» when facilitated (or engineered) by a therapist have a continued risk of falling back into previous modes of thought and behavior, unless reinforced thereafter.
If the level of conflict continues or even escalates after divorce, children may be at continued risk, according to the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension.
Concern is expressed at the unsatisfactory response to decisions 2 (54)(March 1999) and 2 (55)(August 1999) of the Committee and at the continuing risk of further impairment of the rights of Australia's indigenous communities.
Early social skill deficits are implicated as a continued risk factor propelling youths along the internalizing pathway to comorbid affective disorders and SUDs [82], and thus behavioral inhibition and corresponding difficulty with emotion regulation deficits in childhood serve as an early embedded risk underlying the internalizing pathway.
«The Continued Risk of Troubled Assets», the latest report from the Congressional Oversight Panel (COP), points out the ongoing risks that commercial and residential mortgage - backed securities (CMBS and RMBS, respectively), along with other illiquid troubled assets, pose for financial institutions and the financial system.
«The Continued Risk of Troubled Assets», the latest report from the Congressional Oversight Panel (COP), points out the ongoing risks that commercial and residential mortgage - backed securities (CMBS and RMBS...
The recent report that more than 400 banks are currently on the FDIC's «Problem Institutions» list highlights the continued risk of additional bank failures.
The company points to rising interest rates and energy costs, in addition to concerns about the continued risk Wal - Mart represents to the strip center segment.
«It is likely to be rather a cold period, with temperatures below average for the time of year, and a continued risk of overnight frosts.
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