Sentences with phrase «continuous reflection»

I think the key is continuous reflection on student production, learning behaviors and learning outcomes.
Monitor and communicate about student progress while engaging in continuous reflection, adjustment and professional development.
As the primary force for mobilizing leadership in others and setting in motion a culture of continuous reflection and growth, motion leaders are key to the kind of whole - system reform that Fullan says needs to remain continuously in action.
It is a dynamic process that requires continuous reflection, revision and re-energizing of one's attitudes, knowledge and skills.
These and other pipeline strategies that effect broad - based systems must strike a balance between stability and flexibility in order for them to change as school improvement strategies evolve, say both The Wallace Foundation and education reformers such as Michael Fullan, whose concept of «motion leadership» reflects the need for a systematic culture of continuous reflection and growth.
Therefore, the concept of Teaching and Learning Analytics can be embedded in the teacher inquiry cycle and support teachers engage in continuous reflection, as follows:
While I agree that the field of yoga, in accordance with its own philosophies, requires our continuous reflection, this self - study is little served by biased commentaries that misrepresent the practice of yoga therapy.
It provides an insight into pupils» learning and supports the continuous reflection on what pupils know and what they need to know as well as promoting immediate interventions when necessary.
It provides an insight into students» learning and supports the continuous reflection on what students know and what they need to know as well as promoting immediate interventions when necessary.
These works are usually donated to the OGA by the artists themselves in order to create thematic exhibitions that are a continuous reflection on the role of art involvement in today's society.
His practice is a continuous reflection of what is experienced and perceived through subjective cultural impulses.
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