Sentences with phrase «continuous sequence»

These plots showed a prominent and continuous sequence of stars, which he named the main sequence.
The big breakthrough in decoding the human genome was the invention of technology to obtain large amounts of DNA sequence, which began in the 1970s with the work of Ray Wu, Walter Gilbert, Fred Sanger and their colleagues to establish the core strategies for obtaining continuous sequence information for DNA chains.
Neurons in this brain region are individually active only at specific points in the song, but together form continuous sequences of activity that drive song production.
The smooth continuous sequencing deepens breathing and increases endurance and flexibility.
I noticed that it required a rigorous, continuous sequence of concept building through listening, practicing, memorizing, and repeating, and that English teachers, like physics teachers or math teachers, had to be focused, well - prepared, and specific about what must be taught.
Though apparently written in a continuous sequence, the two parts were separated early in the second century so that the Gospel section could be placed with the other three Gospels to form a fourfold story of Jesus.
Meanwhile, it has seen the revelation of a continuous sequence of gross scandals of which Watergate was only the culmination.
One screen displays a continuous sequence of the previous 12 hours of weather pictures from the Meteosat spacecraft.
Paleontologists sometimes build timelines from ancient ocean beds, where 100 million years of sediment layers are often stacked in one continuous sequence.
The results of the study conclude that the elements contained in a single episode — two faces observed within a continuous sequence of faces, for example — were significantly easier to temporarily put in order than those that had been observed in different episodes — two faces shown in a sequence in which there were the images of two objects in the middle.
At the beginning of the video above, I demonstrate one example of linking the moves together in a continuous sequence.
There are multiple exercises in each AMRAP, but they flow together like one continuous sequence, each focusing on a different muscle group.
Last fall, «Gravity» director and Iñárritu pal Alfonso Cuarón told Capture Mag, «Next year, you'll see a film shot in one continuous sequence - shot and it's a masterpiece.»
I noticed that it required a rigorous, continuous sequence of concept building through listening, practicing, memorizing, and repeating, and that English teachers, like physics teachers or math teachers, had to be focused, well - prepared, and
By displaying each element in the day's lesson as a continuous sequence of activities, the Lesson Plan Presenter:
Since the game is massive, both in terms of geography and variety of content, we didn't think one continuous sequence would do it justice.
The works represent their processes of formation, and each work is experienced as the sum total or a sequence of an interrupted and continuous sequence, of acts and situations.
Something about playing around with an 8x4» MDF board stuck with us and so we spent two weeks working on a continuous sequence, a sort of dance piece with out us having to dance.
In Tampa Electric Co. v. Bazemore, negligence was further defined as»... an omission by a responsible person to use that degree of care, diligence, and skill that was his or her legal duty to use to protect another person from injury that, in a natural and continuous sequence, causes unintended damage to the latter.»
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