Sentences with phrase «continuous space»

After 400 years of continuous space travel in one direction, somehow the new system has fewer alien races, less biodiversity, and even more banal ancient alien tech strewn about each planet.
Quick cuts of different times, locations and actions are thus contrasted with an extended shot in continuous space and time, whilst images of artificial immobility (such as Birkut's statue and photograph, and him posing beside them) are succeeded by a forceful presentation of dynamic movement as Agnieszka storms through a corridor and, afterwards, drives in a van through the city under the film's credits.
Ultimately, it's just «launching a projectile, usually ballistic, in a direction, usually on continuous space.
Liaison with teams from clinical depts, administration and Supply Chain in various projects - recalls, value analysis, business reviews and continuous space efficiency
Look closely and see how this seemingly continuous space has been cleverly divided up by glazed panels.
I'm combining different visual experiences together to construct an image in the same way the sense of continuous space is something that we construct from the bits and pieces of our perceptions.
We do not start with the continuous space, but instead we will say that space has no absolute order that can be described.
Such a continuous space would be a sort of «impure» being: a theater of overlapping, mixing qualities, with no postulated «substances» underlying them (because such underlying substances would be like the impassive pure being of Parmenides).
Mist seems produces a continuous space between sea and sky in this artwork.
How do formulations of physics (i.e. infinity and continuous space) factor into your paintings?
But most of the exhibition is one open, continuous space.
Kiesler's 1942 landmark exhibition design for Peggy Guggenheim's Art of This Century gallery worked with three - dimensional space as a total environment, creating a continuous space for encountering art.
Exhibitions 2012 — Rotary connection — Casey Kaplan, New York 2012 — Wir sind alle astronauten - MARTa, Herford, Germany 2010 — Continuous space — MARCO, Vigo 2010 — The white cabinet — Fundación colección JUMEX, México city 2009 — Where do we go from here?
Exposiciones 2012 — Rotary connection — Casey Kaplan, New York 2012 — Wir sind alle astronauten - MARTa, Herford, Germany 2010 — Continuous space — MARCO, Vigo 2010 — The white cabinet — Fundación colección JUMEX, México city 2009 — Where do we go from here?
In some works I paint / draw a continuous space that passes from inside the studio and out into the landscape.
The sensation of continuous space and an underlying feeling of déjà vu resonated from the whimsical paintings of Brazilian - born Christian Rosa at White Cube São Paulo — the gallery's final show in the warehouse it has used since 2012.
Notice how Harper repeated the same color scheme (neutral with accents of green and coral) to make it feel like one continuous space.
The ground floor was designed to create a continuous space from the living room, through to the dining area and kitchen, and out of the folding floor - to - ceiling aluminium doors into the back garden.
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