Sentences with phrase «contract signers»

I wonder if contract lawyers, or contract signers, could sue the origniators of unreadable contract language for not protecting their IP, and thus not sparing us the unplain language.
Yesterday, T - Mobile had a one - day sale on the Samsung Vibrant; pricing the unit at $ 100 - off the usual $ 199 for 2 - year contract signers.
The agreement lists Noble and legislative chairman Ken Ronk as the contract signers, though Ronk said the final word on the county side will rest with Hein.

Not exact matches

The launch of Blue now comes as a response to the increasingly complex needs of an ecosystem that now includes smart contracts, chip exchanges and other types of asset trading creating a situation where transactions and contracts can involve multiple parties and Variables, each of which needs to be verified by the signer.
«I don't like leaving you as only signer of contracts,» he said to Wood, who responded that many of them had already been ratified, and that she would only be signing contracts as approved by the town board.
Thus, if the first signer fails to meet the monthly payments or any other duty associated with the loan contract, the cosigner will have to take the first signer's place and satisfy the loan terms.
The Member eligible to earn Points or Miles must be either the main contact recorded on page one of the contract, or the authorized signer of the contract.
What ID information do the signers need to write down in a contract signed with Adobe or DocuSign as a witness?
In other words, how are the signers identities described in the contract?
If I understand correctly, I am legally allowed in Canada to write a contract that makes the signer promise that they acknowledge that they have borrowed $ 1, and they promise to give me $ 1 back before the next month.
If documents are being used to provide evidence, such as for mortgages or corporate contracts, signers need to be assured that documents can not be altered and that they are legally binding.
Manage signers and contracts across all of your applications, business units, websites, and more in a central, secure portal.
With Pro Plan you can send your contracts to signers over text.
But the signers of the letter at Google clearly hope to discourage the company from entering into far larger Pentagon contracts as the defense applications of artificial intelligence grow.
Discreet time logs would allow for the two parties to the smart contract to send funds to 2 multisig addresses with 2 signers.
Contracts obligate the signers to take or abstain from taking certain actions.
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