Sentences with phrase «contrast yards per rush»

To contrast yards per rush on offense, the pre-eminence from a arithmetical angle goes to the Oakland Raiders by.1.
To contrast yards per rush on offense, the pre-eminence from a arithmetical angle goes to Auburn by.8.
To contrast yards per rush on offense, the pre-eminence scientifically goes to St. Louis by.3.
To contrast yards per rush on offense, the advantage of betting metrics goes to Chicago by.3.
To contrast yards per rush on offense, the pre-eminence from a arithmetical angle goes to New Orleans by 1.0.
To contrast yards per rush on offense, the pre-eminence scientifically goes to Dallas by.2.
To contrast yards per rush on offense, the pre-eminence scientifically goes to Miami by 1.9.
When one compares and contrasts the yards per rush figures on offense, the facts give -LSB-...]
Contrasting the yards per rush figures on offense, the facts give the edge to Pittsburgh by.5.

Not exact matches

Contrasting rushing yards per attempt on offense, the higher ranked aggregates are in the hands of Connecticut by 1.3.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z