Sentences with phrase «contribute in a material way»

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Mussels use a system of plaques and threads to anchor themselves in the tide, and I'm looking for ways that the architecture of these soft materials contributes to their toughness and strength.
SRI has contributed to this agenda in two ways: By developing and testing new systems that help postsecondary educators measure real world learning, and by developing and testing online methods that help faculty adopt real world instructional materials and teaching practices.
Contributing materials and even useful goods for players also would've been a fun way to encourage interaction with others, because as it is there's no real reason to talk to anybody unless you want to participate in the continuing story of the game driven by players.
Accounts of the show tend to focus on how Hammons revisited the gallery on multiple occasions to contribute additional framed materials and reposition those artworks already included, and on how his last - minute changes to the show's installation meant the works featured in the catalogue did not match up with the works on view, as if the real story was about Hammons and his enigmatic ways.
They ask the participating artists to examine the very tenets of materiality through the lens of phenomenological inquiry, and to consider «everyday encounters with the material world», exploring the ways in whey contribute to our collective sense of identity, value, and place.
The work of these artists speaks to the growing use of various upholstery materials, and exciting new explorations of technique that contribute to the overall aesthetic of furniture in wonderful ways, says Toni Sikes, ## M: (full story) ## a juror for the show who heads, one the worlds largest online collections of original art.
The work of these artists speaks to the growing use of various upholstery materials, and exciting new explorations of technique that contribute to the overall aesthetic of furniture in wonderful ways, says Toni Sikes, a juror for the show who heads, one the worlds largest online collections of original art.
Industrial and construction materials may contribute relatively little to greenhouse gas emissions and land use, but anyone who has ever seen (or lived next to) an open pit mine will know that they are ecological disaster zones in all sorts of other ways.
Because is there is nothing sustainable about repairing an old home in such a way that it downcycles its materials and needlessly contributes to its demolition.
Researchers in the U.K. claim to have found a way to use desert sand in a composite construction material that's just as strong as concrete but has only half of its carbon footprintAmount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that a person, community, industry, or other entity contributes to the atmosphere through energy use, transportation, and other means..
Roman Shades can contribute texture in two ways: through the shade style and the shade material.
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