Sentences with phrase «contributing guest expert»

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After they contribute to your roundup, you can reach out to them later to ask about a guest post opportunity or something else — while thanking them again for contributing to the previous expert roundup.
Note that contributing doesn't just mean commenting, since many bloggers are open to guest pieces, so think about what you, your boss or your issue experts have to offer.
Then start brainstorming guest columns you can write or article ideas that you could contribute to as an expert source.
Chef Beverly loves making her guests» villa vacation a memorable one by contributing her expert experience and culinary talents in creating International and Jamaican gustatory delights.
In a guest post on Ryan Rancatore's Personal Branding 101, Mohammed Altaee asked 15 Twitter personal branding experts to contribute their top tips in «Personal Branding Tasks You Can Do Every Day ``.
An industry and social media expert, Jacqui has been tapped as a television and radio guest on career strategies, and she actively participates as a contributing executive writer to professional organizations on subjects related to industry trends, advanced training and career advocacy programs.
Invite guests to contribute to your mortgage blog, such as local builders, home inspectors, real estate experts, etc..
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