Sentences with phrase «control of one's birth»

They are worried about the giant needle or want to experience what women for thousands of years have experienced or they fear not being in control of their birth experience.
For all mamas, to empower them to be in control of their birth experience... whatever that may be.
Learn how to recognize the signs of having cervical scar tissue so you can take control of your birth experience.
Having this kind of birth means you will be completely in control of your birth process, your surroundings and who you allow in your space.
It also gives a woman the feeling that she has a degree of control of the birth process.
When we learn to take control of our birth, we learn to take control of our lives and we begin to make healthier choices for ourselves and our families.
Writing a birth plan can help you feel in control of your birth.
Knowing all your options will help you feel strong, confident and in control of your birth process.
The good thing is parents are starting to open their eyes to this, they are starting to become more informed and take back control of their birth and postpartum experiences with more education and more support.
I would recommend this course, the Bradley Method, and especially NICOLE GREEN — The Birth School — to anyone of my friends and family members who want to educate themselves, who trully care about taking control of their birth experiece, and who know they have what it takes to deliver a healthy baby without the uneccesary interventions that most hospitals needlessly love to offer to uneducated parents.
Regardless of outcomes, interventions used, or paths taken, will a woman who feels in control of her birth choices go on to take more control of other areas of her life than a women who choices a passive role?
Take control of your birth experience with THE complete birth class, covering everything from birthing basics to postpartum, how to prepare for baby and how to get the best care out of your care provider - all on YOUR time!
I had no say with either of my first two babies, and I credit my doula for giving back control of my birth experience to me.
Hypnosis during childbirth may help you feel more in control of your birth experience.
You are ultimately in control of your birth but you also can't get so caught up that you lose sight of what is important, your life and the life of that tiny unborn baby.
I am committed to sharing my birth stories to help give others strength and confidence that they CAN have control of their births.
However, had I known what options I had to make my cesarean a more family - centered experience, I would have felt more in control of my birth and less scared and upset upon learning I'd need a cesarean.
I teach parents what to expect from birth, what their choices are, and how to take control of their birth, without alienating their care provider, or compromising on safety.
Families wanted: • To have as safe a birth as possible • To face the unknown of the coming birth with confidence • To stay on top of and in control of their birth experience even in the most challenging situations • To look back on their baby's birth with pride and empowerment
Feeling in control of my birth was so empowering and helped me to heal from my past experiences.
I was in control of MY birth.
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