Sentences with phrase «control of public education»

During the 2012 election cycle, we saw the corporate «education reform» lobby begin to play their hand when it comes to the notion of local control of public education.
Local democratic control of public education was a strongly rooted tradition in our country long before it became an independent nation.
It's about the people in control of public education fighting to retain their control.
I also think that ultimately, one can have democratic control of public education without actually having public school districts or even government operation of schools.
Los Angeles Unified School Board Election Has Nation's Attention The race for three Los Angeles Unified school board seats has drawn more than $ 4 million in donations — as well as the attention of education leaders nationwide — as the district's powerful unions and the reform movement battle for control of public education.
Cashing in on Kids conducts research and public education programs designed to help ensure that public schools put the students» interest above corporate interests that are increasingly taking control of public education policy and institutions.
While the primary focus of the blog has been the on - going effort to push back against the corporate education reform industry and re-take public control of public education, we've collectively dealt with an impressive array of issues.
[xvi] But this is one step that the DoED could take to help children who will be left behind as states assume even more control of public education.
readers know, Wendy and Sarah are playing the pivotal role in the battle against the corporate education reform industry and in the on - going effort to re-take control of our public education system.
They examine the startlingly broad range of education policy changes enacted in Florida during Bush's first term, including moves toward privatization with a voucher system, more government control of public education institutions with centralized accountability mechanisms, and a «superboard» for all public education.
Some common front teacher organizations see conspiracies everywhere and even suggest that «plutocrats» are gaining control of the public education system.
I'm no Foley advocate; indeed, I voted for Jon, but Malloy was the proven enemy while Foley pledged to end Common Core in CT, abolish SBAC, and return control of public education to local districts.
By moving away from the school district concept of education, it allows for states to serve a more - effective role as regulators — and thus, democratic control of public education as a system of funding the best school options for every child is maintained.
This new state charter school board is an attempt to limit local control of public education by giving to other entities the power to authorize new independent public charter schools — regardless of whether local school boards and local voters think it is a good idea.
We simply can not allow Republican leadership to surrender control of public education for years to come without some kind of severe repercussions.»
«There is something fundamentally antidemocratic about relinquishing control of the public education policy agenda to private foundations run by society's wealthiest people,» Diane Ravitch, a prominent education historian and analyst, wrote in The Death and Life of the Great American School System, a recent book that criticizes many currently influential education ideas.
For example, a part of the resolution informs us that charter schools «have contributed to the increased segregation rather than diverse integration of our public school system» and that weak oversight of charters «puts students and communities at risk of harm, public funds at risk of being wasted, and further erodes local control of public education
As a Democratic and someone who is looking forward to a statewide career in Connecticut politics, what the hell was he thinking associating his name with a movie which seeks to denigrate teachers, destroy unions and undermine public control of public education?
If classroom teachers, administrators, teaching institutions, and state and local boards of education are not in control of public education, the bedrock of our foundation breaks down.
Despite America's romantic attachment to «local control of public education,» the reality is that the way it works today offers a worst - of - both - worlds scenario.
During the campaign, then - presidential candidate Donald Trump promised to respect state and local control of public education.
Conservatives balked at the administration's role in promoting the Common Core standards, saying it was federal overreach that undermined state and local control of public education.
I appreciate your strong support of students, educators, and public education in Tennessee, especially your commitment to local control of public education.
«Weak oversight of charter schools puts students and communities at risk of harm, public funds at risk of being wasted and further erodes local control of public education, the resolution reads.
The Malloy administration's concerted effort to mislead parents into thinking that they lacked the right to opt their children out of the Common Core Smarter Balanced Assessment Field Test of a test is just the latest example of his lack of respect for the rights of parents and the importance of local control of public education.
This erosion of local control of public education is an attack on the values that Wisconsin has long held dear.
Local control of public education has become the rallying cry for many folks on all sides of education debates, from Tea Party libertarians to Bernie Sanders progressives, but local control isn't an end in itself.
Local control of public education has become the rallying cry for many folks on all sides of education debates, from Tea Party libertarians to Bernie...
Do they stand with Connecticut's students, teachers, parents, public school advocates and taxpayers or will they continue to turn our public schools into little more than testing factories and money pits for an industry that is gorging itself on scarce taxpayer funds while undermining the role of teachers, parents and the local control of public education.
In 2014, voters in Newark elected Ras Baraka mayor in an election where local control of public education was the primary issue.
NSBA looks forward to working with Congress and the administration to restore state and local control of public education, as well as ensure equity and excellence in schools across the country.

Phrases with «control of public education»

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