Sentences with phrase «control of something»

If you just let it happen and don't take control of it in some way, expect an offer that's a compromise.
The goal is for you to feel back in control of yourself by modeling how to handle anger and frustration.
You can not control both of them at the same time.
In addition, the small pad size could prove a swallow hazard if you lost control of it in the dog's mouth.
If I hadn't paid attention to that piece of advice, I might have also gotten caught up in a runaway train and perhaps never gotten control of it.
Anyone who claims otherwise is attempting to gain control of you through faith.
Follow the steps I've outlined, and you'll take full control of them.
You can set up multiple site names (your author name, facebook pages, books, etc.) and control all of them from one dashboard.
It's very satisfying to be in control of you own working hours and doing what you love to create an income.
Or are my midwife's recommendations motivated by what will allow her to maintain control of me as a patient?
It's clarity, focus and confidence and it comes from taking complete control of yourself.
However, unlike its predecessor you now have full control of you ship in this combat simulator.
She doesn't assume control of them, but rather dives inside and blows them up.
I'll be very careful with ebook rights and would like to retain control of them or at least have them return to me fairly quickly.
So, any company that we've been able to get control of I actually kept.
This hacking ability can even be used at times against your enemies to take control of them for your benefit.
They're generally placed in highly contested areas to make each grab of the power weapon a crucial turn of events for the team that gains control of it.
Instead, you respond with calm control, and you remain in full control of yourself and your experience and make much better decisions from this calm state of mind.
The browser now allows you to be in complete control of it by letting you adjust the number of tabs on - screen, size of the fonts and menus and more.
You'll move the head around the world until you land onto robot bodies to assume control of them.
We are in control of it and we hate when it's wasted.
You can assign up to three ships in your convoy to combat duties and once you get into a fight you'll take direct control of them.
by Walter Chaw There's something of Highlander in John Wick: Chapter 2, this idea that there are people - looking things walking among us, wrestling for control of something, jockeying for arcane positions in mysterious hierarchies.
Alipay — a source of much bad blood with Yahoo, which felt Mr Ma seized control of it illegitimately, something Alibaba strongly denies — has roughly half of China's online - payments market.
In a video he posted on Twitter, Nacho notices an orange on his kitchen floor and quickly takes control of it with his feet, flicking it into a shelf in his fridge where all of the other oranges are before winking back at the camera.
Yelling or «losing it» transmits the message, «I need you to behave so that I can feel calmer; I don't know how to be calm and in control of myself unless you are behaving the way I need you to.»
Constant cursing is a difficult habit to break, and it's easier to prevent than to redirect later, so try to help your tween get control of it now, while you still have some influence over your tween's behavior.
Studies suggest that gene flow through populations of the baboons (Papio hamadryas) in north - east Africa is mainly through females — even though males keep tight control of them and punish wanderers.
Those willing to sacrifice ride comfort for faster shifts, greater agility, and a more palpable sense of control of something special, however, will do well to wait for the G30 M5.
I'd get pushed to the limit, usually by a sibling and lash out, only to receive the predictable punishment for loosing control of myself.
The player can then take control of them andThis downloadable application, available exclusively in the Nintendo eShop, lets players easily create all kinds of creatures and objects, some beautiful, some bizarre.
In battle, you will often be with a team of four warriors of your choosing, and you can flick between controlling any of them at any time, allowing you to do damage to singular warriors with powerful swordfighters, or mow down crowds with mounted units.
Lawmakers broadened the program last spring by taking control of it away from the legislature and giving it to local governments and the Kansas Department of Commerce, although a moratorium on new projects was imposed while clearer rules were written.
Letting go of control of something you've built is scary.
It was later retconned that Ryu lost control of himself by rising up fist first, upsetting Sagat (and nearly killing him) with a Metsu Shoryuken.
You can take direct control of him through a camera attached to his harness, and via this you can sneak through grass and tear the throats out of enemies.
In battle, you will often be with a team of four warriors of your choosing, and you can flick between controlling any of them at any time, allowing you to do damage to singular warriors with powerful swordfighters, or mow down crowds with mounted units.
With no heroes left to protect the land, the evil Enchantress and her Knights of the Order of No Quarter have seized control of it for nefarious purposes.
Don», t let the road dictate your drive, take control of it with this fine tuned suspension.
«I'm hitting the ball great, which is what I've really been working on the past couple weeks, trying to get more consistent and better ball - striking, better control of it
Yelling or «losing it» also transmits the message, «I need you to behave so that I can feel calmer — I don't know how to be calm and in control of myself unless you are behaving the way I need you to.»
«The Tory campaign is shambolic and unless somebody of quality and experience takes control of it now there is a real danger of the Tories throwing away what should be an inevitable election victory.
It seems there is always someone who will try to use your power to increase theirs at your expense, and if they can't overtly gain control of you then subversive means are employed.
It's just another control mechanism — the religious leaders know the whole religion thing is so tenuous yet so lucrative for them, they have to keep control of it as long as they can.

Phrases with «control of something»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z