Sentences with phrase «control of the film»

He's along for the ride, but never takes control of the film.
That Brenner never feels in control of the film's beats, that the components never get, that there is no internal consistency or integrity is all bad but, worse of all, Dark Places never actually feel like it's actually movie.
Via a video downlink, images from the air can be viewed on the ground in real time, enabling the Pilot, Cameraman and Client full control of the filming angles and framing.
Via a video downlink, images from the air can be viewed on the ground in real time, enabling the Pilot, Cameraman and Client full control of the filming angles and framing.
Filming largely on sound stages, Yates, veteran of later «Harry Potter» films, has firm control of the film's lushly romantic imagery.
Last — and certainly not least — comes (in every sense of the word) producer and Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione, who wrested control of the film from Brass and then shot and edited in some balls - out (literally) hardcore pornography.
In the final scene of Kate Plays Christine, which Greene leaves up to Sheil to improvise, the actress wrests control of the film from him.
Empire State Development recently took control of the film hub and other facilities in the wake of a corruption probe that touched both Cor Development Co., which built the facility, and SUNY Polytechnic Institute, which owns it.
One thing that can not be denied is Coogler's strong control of his film's direction.
Rockwell forcibly takes control of the film as it goes on, as Billy stubbornly works to make sure that everything comes to the bloody head he's envisioned, in the face of all sense and logic.
He infamously used a crowdfunding Kickstarter campaign to maintain creative control of the film, but he needn't have bothered.
And Peele, in just his first film behind the camera, is in total control of the film's tricky tone.
Writer / director Taylor Sheridan took control of his film Wind River back from the Weinstein Company after numerous women came forward with allegations that Harvey Weinstein had sexually harassed or sexually assaulted them.
Neither Pershing Square nor anyone affiliated with Pershing Square had anything to do whatsoever with financing the film nor did Pershing Square have editorial control of the film in any way.
Movie companies often worry about allowing too much control of a film's production to game companies, afraid that they'll nitpick every small detail and facet, ultimately dooming it.
Kim shows a steady hand in executing them and a firm control of the film's sometimes disparate tone.
Like watching Stallone tell Jordan to weave in and out of the ropes faster and faster, Coogler's control of his film is so firm, so adept that even as it runs through certain tropes it feels fresh and vibrant and real.
A strong case can be made for any of these efforts, but Haynes wins it for his control of the film's very specific tone and look, and for his attention to even the smallest of performances.
Of course, it all depends on whether you have a problem with Dunst (as many I know do), as she pretty much has control of the film.
The directive only applies to online videos, but since China largely has control of its film and television industries, one wouldn't expect to see mocking parodies there to begin with.
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