Sentences with phrase «control of the local school board»

The other approach — call it the «no shortcuts» plan — is to roll up our sleeves and engage in the fight for political control of local school boards.
And school district administrators frequently oppose charter schools because the charter schools use public dollars but operate independently and out of the direct control of the local school board.
Whether mayors should be given control of their local school boards, a moratorium on new charter schools, and more money for early childhood education.
Louisiana has decided that all New Orleans charter schools now overseen by the state's Recovery School District will be placed under the control of the local school board.
In a blog post, he contended that I - 1240 would be vulnerable to a constitutional challenge because it directed money from the «common school fund» to public charter schools outside the control of the local school board.
Said Calvine Rollins, the president of the Georgia Association of Educators: «The court's decision reaffirms [our] belief that public charter schools should remain under the management and control of their local school boards
In an interview with Capital Public Radio on Oct. 4, Villaraigosa said he believes California mayors should have control of their local school boards.
None of New Orleans» eight A-rated schools — all charter schools under the control of the local school board — participated in the citywide lottery.
«They have to be under the control of a local school board, so if something happens, there can be accountability,» he said.
But when the news was released that charter schools in Georgia made AYP at a 70 % rate, there were many in state who relished the opportunity to say this confirmed all the naysayers like Cathy Williams that say we don't need or want more charter schools unless they are under the management and control of the local school board.
Last year, those schools returned to the control of the local school board.
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