Sentences with phrase «control of the situation»

Gamers are tasked with taking control of the situation in just six days before it goes global.
I greatly appreciated this as it helped keep ME focused on who was in control of the situation as well.
Dealing with debt is difficult enough without losing control of the situation, so get control and use these tips!
More women take control of the situation by letting their male counterparts believe they are in control, so long as their objectives can be achieved.
When the barking becomes non-stop or excessive, it is important to gain control of the situation before it gets out of hand.
They allowed her to dictate the terms of her bedtime and sleep schedule instead of getting control of the situation.
This type of emotional meltdown is both letting off steam AND an attempt to regain control of the situation by protesting as loudly as possible.
The key as a parent to keep control of the situation, rather than letting your 3 year old take control!
Throughout your case, pertinent historical and current legal information can provide you with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions and help maintain control of the situation.
Here are some tips on how to take control of a situation when you are being given the hard sell.
While it may be intimidating to approach a guy and ask him out, actually it can be extremely satisfying having full control of the situation and what's more: men love it!
They take control of the situation as they are confident about dealing with it.
You are going to be in complete control of your situation when you are selecting a policy, so you can feel free to take all of the time that you need.
That order will ensure that the custodial parent is not in total control of the situation.
That will give you and the other dog's owner better control of the situation.
It allows you to retain control of the situation while working out the details of the settlement with your spouse.
Take control of the situation before it is impossible to repay your debts in full.
In this light, a leader is someone who is comfortable assuming control of a situation and making a decision.
It feels apparent in this version that he tried to stay in control of the situation despite what she may have wanted in terms of his funeral arrangements.
The perception of having control of the situation allows the person to anticipate movement and motion, and adapt their movement to the motion around them.
In this scenario, the teacher takes firm, calm control of the situation preventing it from escalating and disrupting the class.
He has a total lack of taking control of situations around him.
If you are struggling with debt, it is important to take control of your situation right away.
In the above scenario, or one in which your pet is being approached by an aggressive dog, it is nearly impossible to get control of the situation if the need arises.
Follow her advice and you will take control of the situation rather than merely reacting.
And now, you may be afraid he's the one who's going to take physical control of the situation.
If administrators fail to support the teachers, they could easily lose control of the situation.
Thinking through every «what if» scenario can help prepare you and your team to gain control of any situation.
It will help you find more logical solutions, and make you appear more in control of the situation.
My theory is that the control holders are sitting on bids for blocks over a certain size to keep control of the situation.
In these instances, it is important for the teacher to maintain control of the situation.
Take control of the situation by asking your teen questions after the first day at work (see next section).
What options do I have to help me get control of this situation and what are their implications on my credit standing?
Rather, success is gained by taking complete control of the situation and managing events to the desirable outcome.
I made a complaint and it was never investigated and the accused were advised and left in total control of my situation.
You'll actually find you seem more knowledge, calm and in control of a situation when you take a few moments to respond.
They will assume control of the situation to fairly represent all parties.
Finally, I concluded that maybe this was a sign that he needed to take control of the situation more.
Daydream Island would like to advise that the Navy in collaboration with Daydream Management has taken control of the situation on - island today.
Taking back control of the situation using the phrase «I don't» has been shown to be more effective at helping you to stick to your plan and break bad habits:
When one begins to apply this procedure to the problems of allocating scarce food resources on a global scale, the size differential — and accordingly, the lack of control of the situation) the unpredictability of the results, and the resulting uncertainty of the final outcome — render inaccurate any comparisons of this with the medical situation.
It's about protecting yourself, taking control of the situation long enough to get away and to, you know, get help.»
The first Virgin agent he located immediately seized control of the situation.
«The minute you authenticate yourself, you're not in control of the situation anymore,» he said.
He added that the stabbing suspect is currently assisting with investigations and «the police is in firm control of the situation
At almost any point in his confrontation with Brown, he could have called for backup and won control of the situation.
When the parents reach in impasse, and the dispute turns bitter, the young men attempt to take control of a situation over which, ultimately, they have no power.
And the third act is sneakily emotional in its non-manipulative control of the situation.

Phrases with «control of the situation»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z