Sentences with phrase «control over her destiny»

«If a man faces up to the [unknown] and takes the dare of the future, he can have some control over his destiny
My clients who regularly seek feedback (and really listen to it) have far more control over their destiny than those who don't.
They realize they have far more control over their destinies than that.
Huntington, for example, contends that «far more significant than the global issues of economics and demography are problems of moral decline», an «increase in antisocial behavior», decay of family structures, weakening of the «work ethic», and decreasing commitment to intellectual activity.12 Similarly Brzezinski refers to a current global crisis of spirit which has to be overcome if the human race is to regain some control over its destiny.
In the future, in the words of Princeton geneticist Lee Silver, «Parents can gain complete control over their destiny, with the ability to guide and enhance the characteristics of their children, and their children's children as well.»
«In essence, those that have a lot of control over their destiny have done well and been taken over at a premium, like Warrnambool Cheese and Butter.
In a way, they at least will have control over their destiny in many ways..
As long as they are able to live with the consequences, a star could be free to make their own choices and take control over their destiny.
You might not have total control over your destiny, but certain things — like the type of partner you choose and whether they're willing to work through certain issues that may arise with you — are definitely in your power.
But like all good poker players, a woman with PCOS has a lot of control over her destiny by how she plays her hand.
It says that they are ready to take control over their destiny once and for all!
What if we have more control over our destiny than some would believe?
Gill powerfully concludes No Fear with the words that our future prosperity, security and sustainability «depends critically upon the children of the future growing up as engaged, self - confident, responsible, resilient citizens: people who both feel they have some control over their destinies and are alive to the consequences of their actions.
That means truly giving them some measure of control over their destiny.
Change is tough, but you always want to make significant changes voluntarily and when you can still retain a measure of control over your destiny before external forces make you change in ways you really don't want to deal with.
After all, it allows me to have control over my destiny if I publish it.
That I have some control over my destiny today.
The indie authorship movement, as I discussed in my last column about the Indie Author Manifesto, is fueled by writers asserting control over their destinies and demanding fair and equitable treatment from business partners.
Publishers have had plenty of opportunities to take more control over their destiny up to now though.
Imagine the lock - in to your customers and the lack of control over your destiny that you have signed up with if this is the path you pursue.
And, believe us, that is a major step toward gaining control over your destiny.
The thought of a stable salary and defined benefit pension plan may be appealing to some, but others, like you — and me — prefer a little more control over destiny.
Hell yeah it's a motivator, because I didn't feel like I had any control over my destiny (which of course was wrong) in the short term.
Through this process of taking control over their destiny, and the training that the women receive, they are empowered to think about their lives and their future differently.
That is vulnerable in the sense these individuals don't have a tremendous amount of control over their destiny which is controlled by entrenched legal institutions.
Mediation is a voluntary process which allows both you and your spouse to maintain control over your destiny and the terms of your divorce settlement.
Microsoft paid $ 7.2 billion for Nokia's handset business (the deal hasn't closed quite yet) and, as a result, has more control over the destiny of Windows Phone hardware.
It is extremely difficult for regional Queenslanders to have control over their destiny if the boundaries of all the different state and federal agencies don't line up.
We have consistently called for greater control over our destinies, for the ability to live freely and equally, and for greater recognition of our rights as the First Peoples of this land.
[t] hrough the Article on self - determination, the Declaration recognises the entitlement of Indigenous peoples to have control over their destiny and to be treated respectfully... We support Indigenous peoples» aspirations to develop a level of economic independence so they can manage their own affairs and maintain their strong culture and identity... We also respect the desire, both past and present, of Indigenous peoples to maintain and strengthen their distinctive spiritual relationship with lands and waters... [and][w] here possible, the Australian Government encourages land use and ownership issues to be resolved through mediation and negotiation rather than litigation.
He said he owed his company to his frustrations over working 60 hours a week, having no time for his family, and just basically lost control over his destiny.
Engage people so they feel like they have some control over their destinies.
But across the industry, malls, particularly the lower - end ones, are struggling with declining traffic, and uncertain long - term prospects, prompting leading companies to want more control over their destiny.

Not exact matches

He also felt he had little control over SimCity's destiny.
Author Silver Donald Cameron says of the «Security and Prosperity Partnership»: «The SPP is the new name for the old American project of Manifest Destiny — absolute control over the whole continent.»
The combination of the above risk management measures driven by the investor's specific goals and objectives may provide the investor with a greater sense of control over their own destiny.
Very few scientists devote themselves to research that would enable the poor to have more control over their own destinies.
If someone claims they are talking to and have a personal relationship with a being which is all - knowing and all - powerful and has control over personal and national destinies.
Today people have a lot more control over their own destinies.
Will it restore him to a control over his own life and destiny?
Messianism and Apologetics The messianic nature of Revelation would therefore be intrinsic to it, if it is to be the principle of control and direction from God over human life and destiny.
When one has no control over one's own destiny it is easy to see all one's problems as of others» making.
I am glad that the human race is beginning to wake up and realize that they are in control of their destiny, and not some religious figure that has been re-interpreted a thousand times over.
If God's power is perceived to be all controlling, dominating, impositional, so will humans aspire to be controlling and dominating over others in God's name, imposing their own will on others on the understanding that they are only fulfilling their God - given destiny.
If it is objected that production in and for small communities would be less efficient than large - scale centralized production, it could be answered, first, that when the true costs of transportation are calculated, this may not be true, and second, that efficiency in that sense is less important than a good life in a self - reliant community that has some control over its own destiny.
One might also point to the secularization of contemporary society, which itself has many facets: the separation of political and educational institutions from the church, the autonomy of the intellectual disciplines, the dominance of this - worldly over otherworldly interests, the confidence in man's ability to control his own destiny without divine assistance.
For, let it be said, we must look for a Messianic Faith, if it is to be the principle of control and direction from God over human life and destiny.
His parents must allow him the distance he needs to become himself, with a growing sense that he is worthwhile and has some control over his own destiny.
-- Man's growing powers to shape his own destiny by extending his control over an enlarging range of external things and the emerging possibility of manipulating his own inner life and perhaps his genetic endowments.
«There's something to be said for being family owned and having control over our own destiny
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