Sentences with phrase «control over populace»

Not talking about indicting for the purpose of punishment but for exposing the lies advanced for the purposes of acquiring power and control over the populace under false pretenses.
The fact of the matter is that this is a planned operation by the main banks in conjunction with the Federal Reserve to gain substantial control over the populace, whittle down all but the highest class and proceed with the next step in the New World Order.

Not exact matches

You seem to indicate that no Christians were sent over to Vietnam against their wishes, your head is either in the sand or up your... Governments have always used religions to control the populace, that is why they are allowed to exist, read some history, please.
While the imperial family had existed for well over a millennium the imperial system which now emerged as an ideological technique for controlling the entire populace was something rather new.
The «man - made hysteria» associated with the global - warming fraud is a real threat to mankind in the sense that it a) has the potential to, and in fact is, turning millions of gullible individuals into fanatical, anti-human ideologues, b) diverting precious time, money and resources that could be more usefully spent elsewhere into the ridiculous and unscientific attempts by environmental extremists to «control the climate» via enforced — through government legislation and burdensome taxes — behaviour modification of supposedly free citizens, and c) giving the practice of science a bad reputation amongst the general populace, which in turn has been a major contributing factor to the general decline in the understanding of basic scientific concepts, and reality in general, that we have been witnessing over the last 40 years or so (ex.
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