Sentences with phrase «control over the planet»

A British Columbia radio show entitled Deconstructing Dinner recently ran a very informative program focusing on Nestlé's infant formula marketing malpractice, as well as its startling and growing control over the planet's water supply.
Directed by Taika Waititi, Thor: Ragnarok is set mainly in Asgard that is in danger after Hela, the Goddess of Death comes back to take control over the planet.
However, that does not mean that alarmists and the establishment forces building up and exploiting the movement to centralize and expand their control over the planet have any intention of giving up.
I am reading this thing about geoengineering and realize that the response to this cult ideology of human control over the planet's temperature is far too weak and ineffective, merely empirical politics played out against a background of civil concern.

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They need to ask if they believe that Jesus is the Son of God or one of many gods that are over many planets that are controlled by another more powerful God.
Our planet could be tugging on the core of Venus, exerting control over its spin.
Somehow doing so pits the outnumbered Autobots against the Decipticons over control of the planet.
No, I'm not talking about being prepared for the big 2012 market push... I'm talking about preparing for when the worlds leaders turn control of the planet over to the Amazon Overlords.
There are a number of other ways that you can help to protect the planet even though you only have limited control over many things since you live in an apartment.
It's also disappointing that Bioware seem to have missed a beat, because while you're building up these forces feels like you're going to be the one that decides what to do with all these assets when the times comes, able to effect the games outcome by careful use of the fleets and troops that you've acquired through missions, planet scanning and more, yet there's only one moment in the entire game you even get to see your assets, and you certainly never get to exert any control over them.
Back in late April, PC gamers were treated to a new space cyberpunk RPG called Mars: War Logs, where companies battled each other for control over the red planet's most precious resource: water (shit, we need that stuff to live!).
You'll be able to control an Elite Soldier name Iden Versio, visit multiple planets, as well as over 30 years of Star Wars history all jammed into one game.
Players will control the momentum, rhythm, and speed of Weldon launching him over deadly obstacles, outrun robo - bosses, and ultimately escape off the planet.
In fact, the Chimera are so dominant over the planet, that some of them have even evolved to feral inbred monsters that their own race can't even control.
The TETRACORP megacorporation is occupying several areas over the planet suppressing the villages, taking over their resources, and controlling every single communication.
SimEarth (1990) gave the player control over a young planet with the goal of guiding it to maturity.
Over the past four years, however, that splash has turned into a considerable wave of anticipation for the next installment in the adventures of an AI - controlled robot suit that crash - lands on a scrap - heap planet.
Planet Coaster brings a modern - day coaster park simulation game where kids have complete control over their park's landscape, design and piece - by - piece construction of rollercoasters with over a thousand pieces.
It's a lean, barren departure that favors exploration over shootouts by asking players to search an alien planet for a strange transmission by hijacking and controlling robots.
But what YOU DO have control over is whether or not you're holding the smartest conversation on the planet about the market you're in, bar none.
but of course we'll be able to control the planet's temperature fluctuations and inconvenient excesses, and precisely guide geohistorical climatic trends over the next decades and centuries by regulating our co2 emissions.
How haughty do you have to be to think that just because we live on this planet, that we have absolute control over everything that happens?
We're dismayed over the fact that the Global Warming fiasco has become politically popular and expedient to those left - wing politicians and power - brokers whose sole aim is to literally tax everything with a carbon footprint and give them control over all life, hidden within their PC guileful pretence to save the planet.
The fountain of energy that sustains life on Earth and exerts dominant control over all the planets, especially the tiny, rocky planets close to the Sun — Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
Some of these control variables have a regularity within broad limits and the planet responds over decades to millennia with a broad regularity in changes of ice, cloud, Atlantic thermohaline circulation and ocean and atmospheric circulation.
The government is on the verge of committing U.S. taxpayers to spend trillions of dollars over decades based on the mere suspicion that a future problem might occur and the unsupported belief that a possible non-issue can and should be mitigated by massive, globally coordinated efforts to control the environment of the planet.
Increasingly, the environmental movement makes moral, political and economic claims which seem less about «saving the planet», and much more to do with exerting control over society for the sake of it.
basically, controlling the growth of emissions in developing countries by addressing poverty and over population and doing that by addressing inequalities between the sexes which are noxious regardless of the temperature of the planet.
The fact is that humans dominate this planet precisely because we are capable of exterting a measure of control over our environment, and a greater level of control than the alarmists want to admit.
In the 21st century, the eugenics movement has changed its stripes once again, manifesting itself through the global carbon tax agenda and the notion that having too many children or enjoying a reasonably high standard of living is destroying the planet through global warming, creating the pretext for further regulation and control over every facet of our lives.
The climate scare is over, and no amount of ad - hominem screeching from any troll will either alter that fact or delay for a single instant the dismantling of the farcical regime of totalitarian control that had been erected in the specious name of Saving The Planet.
Those who wish to use the threat of anthropogenic global warming to achieve enhanced political control over the whole planet by hijacking the energy supply are no more likely to be successful than were the founders of the Soviet Union.
The scientists are merely useful tools to them, used to get control of the public so they and their friends can enrich themselves via carbon taxes and carbon trading schemes and redistribute your wealth to the poorer countries under the guise of saving the planet (where I'd venture a guess the vast majority will disappear into a numbered bank accounts someplace), all while enriching themselves and attempting what I feel could be a part of an attempt to gain dictatorial power over an entire planet.
In no particular order, there are the Leftist economists for whom global warming represents a supreme example of market failure (as well as a wonderful opportunity to suggest correctives), UN apparatchiks for whom global warming is the route to global governance, Third world dictators who see guilt over global warming as providing a convenient claim on aid (ie, the transfer of wealth from the poor in rich countries to the wealthy in poor countries), Environmental activists who love any issue that has the capacity to frighten the gullible into making hefty contributions to their numerous NGOs, Crony capitalists who see the immense sums being made available for «sustainable» energy, Government regulators for whom the control of a natural product of breathing is a dream come true, Newly minted billionaires who find the issue of «saving the planet» appropriately suitable to their grandiose pretensions, Politicians who can fasten on to CAGW as a signature issue where they can act as demagogues without fear of contradiction from reality or complaint from the purported beneficiaries of their actions.
tom0mason wrote: «The basic understanding that our «climate scientists ™» should have is water on this planet is he control knob for how much of the sun's heat is absorbed and released and over what time period.»
The basic understanding that our «climate scientists ™» should have is water on this planet is he control knob for how much of the sun's heat is absorbed and released and over what time period.
There are a number of other ways that you can help to protect the planet even though you only have limited control over many things since you live in an apartment.
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