Sentences with phrase «control over the study»

After having complete control over the study, you can produce a relevant and substantial review.
Despite the authors having experimental control over the study population, they chose to undertake an experimental design in which all dogs first received the control diet, followed by all dogs receiving the experimental diet.

Not exact matches

The study compared the compound annual growth rate of a Family Index of 23 companies — in which at least 30 % of voting control belonged to a family with multi-generational involvement in the ownership or management — against 412 widely held firms over a 15 - year period (1998 to 2012).
What that study revealed to me is that happiness is a byproduct of good decisions and circumstances that are beyond our control, that when we give up control over our happiness we gain it all back.
A recent study published in the American Sociological Review clearly showed that, in a white collar environment, allowing workers some control over their own schedules, including being able to work from home, had a positive effect on employees» work - family balance without sacrificing productivity.
For example, the anxious group read sentences like «safety is not guaranteed in our neighborhoods nor in our own homes,» which was intended to highlight the «lack of control over negative circumstances that may happen in life and an uncertain future,» according to the study.
According to the Fast Company article, «Study Finds Work - Life Balance Could Be a Matter of Life and Death,» researchers from Indiana University's Kelley School of Business found that people who work in highly stressful jobs with little to no control over their work life were 15.4 % more likely to die sooner.
The study also found control over where people work and the associated informal work flexibility also add to job satisfaction.
While privacy means different things in different cultures, our study showed that workplace satisfaction and engagement are deeply connected to a sense of control over one's environment.
The service is entrenched in a yearlong study on «multi-domain command and control,» one of Goldfein's top priorities since he took over as the U.S. Air Force chief last year.
Take serious control over generating reviews for your business by creating case studies.
There are many additional «color of authority» situations, where the person, under the «color» of their position in the church (be it pastor, elder, staff member, Bible study teacher, the «I've been a Christian for X years» people, the «I've studied the Bible for X years and know what it says» people, or whatever), attempts to impose their opinions and wishes on those over whom they somehow attempt to assume «authority» and control.
Silcox and Fisher agreed that «philosophical differences» among the groups they studied were powerful, such as in arguments over birth control.
He wants to be over God, studying God like some process or characteristic in nature, that he can control.
Studying about them seems to burden the already overtaxed memory and to imprison one in a bygone world over which he has no control.
It is clear also that having such trust in the other means at some level that the learner is entrusting herself to the other by relinquishing the sort of control that subjects normally have over the objects they are studying.
It is impossible to do a completely controlled study where you are adjusting for variables such as these because it would require round the clock constant monitoring of people over a long period of time.
Besides being democratic and transparent in group activities and taking interest in studying issues related to organic agriculture, MASIPAG also aims to strengthen farmers control over the selling of their produce while improving productivity and sustainability and achieving food self - sufficiency at local level.
A 2008 study published in the British Society for Investigative Dermatology found that participants who consumed tomato paste for 12 weeks experienced over 30 % more protection from UV light than the control group.
When we learn of studies like these, it not only reminds us how little control we have over the food we purchase and prepare, but also the long term ramifications of eating them.
And so, a recent German Study of about over 300 infants who had died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, they were compared with 1000 age - matched controls and found that breastfeeding reduced the risk of SIDS by 50 percent.
Of 170 child behaviour outcomes measured across 36 studies, 59 % were statistically significant and favoured parenting programme over control, with the remaining outcomes showing no statistically significant difference (a neutral outcome).
Another study had been conducted by Yvonne et al. to assess the impact of the distribution of educational booklets during the postnatal period, but this time over the duration of complete breastfeeding, and the result was an insignificant difference noted for the duration of breastfeeding between the study group and the control group [21].
One study found that the parents of children who exhibited difficult behavior began to exhibit less parental control over time.
In a recent meta - analysis of more than 1400 published studies, Martin Pinquart found that harsh control and psychological control were actually the biggest predictors of worsening behavior problems over time (Pinquart 2017).
Dr. Rachel Klein, PhD, professor of psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine, and a group of colleagues did a 2 - year controlled study of more than 100 school - aged kids back in the late 1970s, and then followed up with them repeatedly over 33 years.
The strongest research methods for psychological studies are: qualitative findings versus quantitative; experimental rather than descriptive or correlational; controlled - experiment, meta - analysis, and observation designs over archival, case study, computational modeling, content analysis, field experiment, interview, neuroimaging, quasi experiment, self - report inventory, random sample survey, or twin study; and prospective (where subjects are recruited prior to the proposed independent effects being administered) and longitudinal (where subjects are studied at multiple time points) rather than retrospective or cross-section study.
But, but, but: The Post's in - house pollster, Scott Clement, flags a 2013 Pew Research Study, which found that people who prioritize gun rights over gun control are four or five times more likely to contribute money to advocacy groups, contact public officials, sign petitions and express their views on social media.
That there will only be a single question is a good example of something well known to those that study social choice theory: the power that someone with control over the agenda has over the outcome of voting.
The study compared the health and drinking habits of over 600,000 people in 19 countries worldwide and controlled for age, smoking, history of diabetes, level of education and occupation.
Risks fall into different dimensions depending on how much control we feel we have over them and how well we think we know them, says Lisa Schwartz, who studies risk communication at Dartmouth College.
Having shown that IGF -1-deficient mice also live longer, Bartke's study suggested not only that these pathways are important in mammals, but that they might have been crucial in controlling life span in a range of creatures evolving over hundreds of millions of years from a common ancestor of worms and mammals, says Miller.
After controlling for other factors, a generic drug in the highest marketing competition group was expected to see a decrease of 32 percent in price over the study period, while a generic drug in the lowest market competition was expected to see a price increase of 47 percent over the same period.
In a new study published in The Quarterly Review of Biology, Dr. Karen Hardy and her team bring together archaeological, anthropological, genetic, physiological and anatomical data to argue that carbohydrate consumption, particularly in the form of starch, was critical for the accelerated expansion of the human brain over the last million years, and coevolved both with copy number variation of the salivary amylase genes and controlled fire use for cooking.
However, over the course of 18 months, bilingual students outperformed English - only students with higher scores in math and inhibitory control, despite having lower baseline scores for math at the beginning of the study.
Luckily, most science geeks would never deny the settled science in a field where multiple peer - reviewed, placebo - controlled studies find the same thing over and over.
«It is a very good paper which provides valuable new insights about the physical processes controlling the change in reflectivity of the Greenland ice sheet and specifically its darkening over time,» said Eric Rignot, a senior research scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory who studies ice sheets but was not involved with the new study.
To that end, a recent pilot study conducted by Greenfield demonstrated that a woman - centered approach could be as effective as a mixed - gender control group over the course of a 12 - week study.
Using data from 19 prior publications, Farin Kamangar, an NCI epidemiologist, created a virtual study comparing over 1,700 cases of esophageal cancer with 5,600 controls.
Nelson's report corroborates a recently released study by the U.S. Department of Education that emphasizes the disproportionately high number of male S&E professors.10 The report also cites the salary advantage men of all racial groups enjoy over women.10 While the unadjusted salaries of African - American faculty members were lower than those of whites, when variables were controlled, the wage gap disappeared.10 However, the study cautions that the markedly lower numbers of tenured and working African - American faculty at doctoral institutions could obscure racially biased salary discrepancies.10
(1) In this study — the LIFEstyle study performed in the Netherlands — 290 women were assigned to a 6 - month lifestyle - intervention programme preceding 18 months of infertility treatment (intervention group) while 287 women were assigned to prompt infertility treatment over the same 24 month study period (control group).
The study's authors recommend that educators, administrators, and parents work to strengthen students» positive emotions and minimize negative emotions related to school subjects, for example, by helping students gain a greater sense of control over their performance.
Unlike, say, dog poop that can be easily washed off a shoe, people have no way to avoid the smell wafting from a giant hog farm — and animal studies suggest that the impact of stressors, which can cause, for example, feelings of depression and anxiety, can be modulated by a sense of control over that stressor.
There was no significant increase in adverse events with any of the treatments over the control group, nor was there any difference in malaria incidence between groups during the one year period after the study treatment was stopped, suggesting that monthly administration of DP is a safe and effective treatment for reducing malaria among infants in regions with year - round transmission and high resistance to antifolates.
Dr David Stensel and colleagues at the National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine East Midlands (NCSEM - EM) studied women's hormonal, psychological and behavioural responses to calorie control through exercise and food restriction over the course of nine hours.
However, declining human semen quality remains a controversial issue — many have criticised the variability of the data of the studies on the basis of changes in laboratory methods, training of laboratory personnel and improved quality control over the years.
Through analysis of high - resolution anatomical magnetic resonance imaging of brain volumes, taken three times over the two - year study period, the researchers were able to determine that individuals with MCI or Alzheimer's showed greater losses in gray matter volume in both the basal forebrain and temporal lobe, compared with cognitively normal controls.
Researchers from the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth reported two studies from a randomized double - blind, sham - controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of six OMT sessions over an eight week period.
Over the seven - day study period, participants had significantly fewer minutes of daily sedentary time and more daily minutes of active time than controls.
34 %: Speaking of power, a seven - year study of people in their 60s found that stressful, high - demand jobs can be good for you if you have control over your workflow: Those with high - demand, high - control jobs saw a 34 percent decrease in the likelihood of death compared with folks in high - control, low - demand jobs.
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