Sentences with phrase «control over the world»

They get to have more control over the world around them, which does include having control over their bladder and bowel movements too.
Often your actions influence the outcome in some way, giving you varying degrees of control over the world in which the game takes place.
If we have so little control over the world in which we live, can our lives, and the lives of those we love, have - any meaning?
So she requires the free will of relevant participants in order to bring about control over the world's population.
These days your toddler is beginning to test the limits of his newfound independence, wanting to assert control over the world around him.
The mechanics generously give the player control over the world, and the design only more - so.
Give your child choices so she feels a sense of control over her world.
There, it turns out that the protagonist's grandma had been kidnapped by a mysterious thug named Boruta who wishes to take control over the world using the ancient powers slumbering under the heritage park.
For those who value truth over myths check out zoroastrianism for the first true good vs bad combo as equals in the struggle for control over the world.
But Kalanick retains his board seat and majority stake in the company, suggesting he could continue to wield considerable control over the world's most valuable startup.
Saudi Arabia and Russia are working on a historic long - term pact that could extend controls over world crude supplies by major exporters for many years.
Man is always seeking this kind of absolute control over his world.
Divine persuasion responds to the problem of evil radically, simply denying that God exercises full control over the world.
Process theists like me are said to believe, in other words, that «it would be better, all things considered, if God had been able to exercise complete, unilateral control over the world, exactly as postulated by Calvin.»
Gaining a sense of personal control over the world is important at this stage of development.
The evening has arriving for younger men engage in cougar sitings it goes far beyond and taurus woman dating virgo man beliefs control over the world.
You take a part of a small human group called Zombie Hunters, who put itself a goal to hunt down the zombies and end the mutants control over the world.
How can small numbers of clinically insane psychopaths gain such control over the world's populations?
You get to fight against the evil dead who want to take control over the world.
But think about how much your daughter has changed since her newborn days — she's now a walking, talking, expressive toddler dynamo who's eager for more control over her world.
If God's control over the world is absolute in that it is independent of all creaturely contingencies, then God's activity may flow directly from his unchanging nature which was deemed wholly necessary and self - sufficient.
Your goal is to help your child think for himself, which will in turn help him feel like he has some control over his world.
Expect to see a lot of repetition, as that's how little ones master new skills and learn they have some control over the world around them.
They are finally having some control over their world around them and potty training is an important milestone that they go through.
Not only that, but they are learning to have some control over the world around them and recognizing who they are and what they need to do.
This type of defiance is very typical for toddlers as they are so eager to have some control over their world and to make their own choices.
This is the period in your child's development when she begins to understand that she is separate from you and can exert some control over her world.
As adults we have control over our world.
They are growing up, learning to control their bodies, as well as having some control over the world around them too.
Toddlers are all about trying to gain some control over their world.
Furthermore, Zero orders Dr. Strangelove, who now works for DARPA, to develop The Patriots» AI to keep his control over the world.
And we all know that if one is going to have control over another world, it only makes sense to have a basic understanding of that world and its inhabitants!
Mega corporations will have control over the world and will continue to stay in power at all costs.
Grassroots Globalization Network The accelerating concentration of control over the world's resources poses a growing challenge to nations and communities working toward environmentally sustainable and socially just development.
Torah - The Jewish tradition holds the unique world view that while humans have control over the world, we also have the responsibility to take care of it.
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