Sentences with phrase «control over words»

Do I know that authors have more control over words than art?
Peter Elbow (1973) points out that if we lack control over our words, we lack control over our lives.
I thought it might be helpful to share some of my favorite word - centric, Web - based resources, and see what other folks can share back.All of these sites help increase one's control over words, and hey, words are power, right?
I 100 % agree with you that we have total control over the words we empower, and we have a choice whether we let them rule our lives and define who we are.
A good prospector has control over his words and the enthusiasm to keep the conversation moving in a pleasant tone and flow.

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In other words, Facebook, Twitter, and other services not only have a significant amount of control over who sees specific kinds of content because of their algorithms, but they are becoming more involved in creating it as well.
In other words, just because a blockchain is involved doesn't magically mean people have more control over their data.
The word «discretionary» applies since this is the income that you have greater control over.
For «providence» is a word which tells us of the conviction that God exercises a never - failing and personal control over, even as he unfailingly works within, the events and circumstances of life, molding them and molding us in such a way that his grace and power are manifested in human history and in personal experience.
Hope is a better word than optimism, for it excludes naïveté, invites participation and encourages the thoughtful directing of those processes over which we have some control.
That is, the community functions as a control over what may be considered «Word
Over the years I've learned to control my fists, but I've watched as the word retarded has become more and more commonplace on the tongues of those around me — good, loving, kind people who know my brother, know me and can't help but use a word that has become so natural to their vocabulary.
doesn't matter... those are merely words of a bunch of men over a long period of time who then edited the book to fit their own personal agenda of controlling weak minded people with fear mongering and promises of eternal life.
In the future, in the words of Princeton geneticist Lee Silver, «Parents can gain complete control over their destiny, with the ability to guide and enhance the characteristics of their children, and their children's children as well.»
In other words, they now have total control over that genome and can examine the function of every gene, seeing if each part of the genome serves a biological function or is redundant.
Process theists like me are said to believe, in other words, that «it would be better, all things considered, if God had been able to exercise complete, unilateral control over the world, exactly as postulated by Calvin.»
If you don't want to watch the video because the written word is still an integral part of your life and you don't understand advertisers» obsession with video or feel comfortable about the control they exert over the future of the written word, well, here you go.
Once we can talk about feelings, the feelings which are on the non-verbal side of the brain connect to the words on the other side of the brain and we have so much control and therefore, we have control over our behavior.
Those 3 words were the sentence that thrust me back to when someone else had the control, the say, and all the power over my body.
You can't control what words come out of your child's mouth — that's something they have complete control over at all times.
In other words, we need to feel as if we have control over our lives, our goals, and the actions we take to achieve those goals.
The war of words between Paul, King and (related to Sandy aid) Christie has escalated over the past several weeks and comes at a time when the Republican Party is continuing to experience an internal struggle between the recently empowered Tea Party / Libertarian set and the ever - shrinking circle of moderates that hasn't yet given up hope of reclaiming ideological control.
But a dispute between Democrats who dominate the Assembly and Republicans who control the State Senate over the exact wording of an amendment has stalled progress.
Apparently not content with making up over 80 % of the party's donations, the unions are intent on seizing direct control through selecting its own placemen (and placewomen, if that's a word), even to the point of signing up hundreds of new party members to pack out votes.
No word yet on his committee assignments, which will determine his control over the purse strings.
Children in the treatment condition received a baby media product, which included DVDs, word and picture flashcards, and flip books to be used daily over a seven - month period; children in the control condition did not receive these materials from the researchers.
«The aim of pathogens is to weaken their host as much as possible, so they try to attack and take over the control centers of the cell, in other words the proteins with the most «friends» in the network,» explains Falter - Braun.
Results consistently demonstrated that young and older adults could strategically control encoding of emotional information by prioritizing relevant over irrelevant words in memory.
In other words, the release of leptin from the fat tissue signals the brain that you've eaten enough — the more of it you have, the faster your metabolism and the greater your control over food cravings will become, leading to an increased burning of fat.
In other words, you have the ability to get control over your phone rather than letting it control you.
This word is given to athletes who use exercise to have control over their body.
In other words, you have more immediate control over the variables in your workout than with most programs.
It comes from the Sanskrit word Brahmacharya which means control over the senses especially the sexual urge.
I know prevention isn't a sexy word, but ladies, it's what we have control over and we better start being more proactive about our health and our diets.
In other words, if the neat heat flow over the control boundary of a system is non-zero, the internal energy of the system must change.
And that we don't have control over the actions of others and words other people might say.
Every Common Core critic who frets over loss of local control and nonexistent curricular - content mandates should be holding its authors and implementers to these words.
In the words of an Education Week reporter, «Both national unions have endorsed the charter idea within fairly narrow limits, requiring district control over the schools and collective bargaining for the teachers within them.»
Gill powerfully concludes No Fear with the words that our future prosperity, security and sustainability «depends critically upon the children of the future growing up as engaged, self - confident, responsible, resilient citizens: people who both feel they have some control over their destinies and are alive to the consequences of their actions.
They aren't run by the local council and as well as having control over their own budgets, they are employers in the true sense of the word and can also determine their own pay and conditions for their staff.
Federal control over education has been growing since the 1960s despite the fact that the word education does not appear in the Constitution of the United States.
(I even hesitate to use the word, «empower,» because it has long been co-opted by corporate reformers and pasted over their obvious top - down efforts to kill community schools in favor of under - regulated «choice» strategically placed just out of true control of those whom «choice» supposedly empowers.)
The State Board of Education next week will consider and possibly settle a debate over one word in the proposed final regulations for the Local Control Funding Formula.
And we've further held that withholding access to those benefits based on race or ethnicity — in other words, on morally arbitrary circumstances over which the children have no control — is wrong.
The court decision goes on to explain that government needs «a significant degree of control over their employees» words and actions,» and that therefore, they may restrict employees» speech made «pursuant to their official duties.»
You'll need decent word - processing software, preferably with the facility to export your file to PDF (so you retain more control over the finished look), and you'll need to set up the pages in your final trim size.
It's got a 1.4 GHz dual - core processor, Android 3.2 (no word yet on ICS upgrade plans), 3 - megapixel and 2 - megapixel rear and front cameras, and 16 GB of storage; it also carries over the international model's unusual side - mounted infrared port to turn the tablet into a remote control for your home theater.
Self - publishing provides a wonderful opportunity for any author who wants to take control over the publishing process and get their words into print.
In other words, management accounting is a set of practice and techniques which are aimed at providing the managers, efficiency to make decisions and to maintain effective control over corporate resources.
Flash fiction writing advice so often focuses on moderation — on cutting out needless words, creating this myth of a world where every word matters, where the writer exerts complete control over every choice.
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