Sentences with phrase «controlled by nonlawyers»

• The creation of a regulatory oversight body controlled by nonlawyers.

Not exact matches

The «protectionist instincts» that I and others have are (1) to protect the independence of the bar (sure to be lost eventually under nonlawyer ownership), (2) to protect the health of the legal marketplace (sure to be badly harmed by the cartelization of ABS (see the 5 % commissions charged by the cartel of real estate agencies who still control the vast majority of the realty market, and especially see the ridiculously high costs of dealing with the American title insurance industry where four companies have upwards of 87 % of the conveyancing and title insurance market after first decimating the real estate bar with predatory pricing and other unfair business practices)-RRB-, and (3) to protect the public from those ravages.
The sharing of legal fees with nonlawyers and the ownership and control of the practice of law by nonlawyers are inconsistent with the core values of the legal profession.
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