Sentences with phrase «controlled by our bodies»

Workers with the highest stress levels, for instance, had the lowest heart - rate variability, a measure of heart rhythms controlled by the body's autonomic nervous system.
In terms of what's in medical textbooks and medical studies, you will not find any reliable medical studies or textbooks that claim that what we eat affects the pH of our blood because the pH range of our blood is so tightly controlled by our body that it's not possible to alter it just by what we eat, and the reason for this is that even slight changes in the pH or acidity of our blood can lead to very, very serious consequences, including death.
In healthy individuals this process is tightly controlled by the body.
This gland is controlled by the body's master gland, the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain.

Not exact matches

According to studies conducted by Jayne Gackenbach, a psychologist at Grant MacEwan University, «people who frequently played video games were more likely to report lucid dreams, observer dreams where they viewed themselves from outside their bodies, and dream control that allowed people to actively influence or change their dream worlds — qualities suggestive of watching or controlling the action of a video - game character.»
Presumptively there is a recognition that they must first get a bill introduced by the Republican - controlled Congress, passed by that same body and then passed by the Senate before heading to the Democratically - controlled White House.
But step by step things changed — you could be more and more immersed in different universes, and now [with Nintendo's Wii and Microsoft Kinect] you can use just your body with motion control to play.
Today, everything from two - by - fours to toilet paper comes with a certification stamp from bodies like the Forest Stewardship Council, a Germany - based endorsement agency started and still largely controlled by environmentalists.
YOUR SECOND BRAIN With Jessica Richman of uBiome; Julie Smolyansky of Lifeway Foods; and Michal Lev - Ram of Fortune — Report by Beth Kowitt — Video: The Gut Controls the Entire Body — Video of the entire session
Controlled and owned by the overseeing corporate interest, the body corporate, other...
A person who accepts someone's right to conduct business and smoke weed unmolested by the government will not have the passion to fight against a woman's right to control her own body.
This was assumed by most people until quite recent times, but around 1980 a series of policies were put in place on a global basis, the purpose of which was to reduce the capacity of political bodies to control economic actors.
But the flesh is also made to be controlled and ruled by the soul, and the fallen intellect has now imposed its own conflicting «law» of self - adoration and lust within the body.
The question of whether the dominant thread of occasions controls the body can not be answered by a simple yes or no.
To Paul, therefore, the complete man was made possible only when this original body - soul was taken possession of by Spirit, when the divine presence invaded and controlled the «old man» and made him new.
By the deliberate choice of evil, the first generation of human beings did not just lose «preternatural gifts», they tore themselves away from their true source of control and direction, damaging their own integration and ontological harmony as creatures of body and soul.
Our bodies obey the laws of science, but we are not simply controlled by them — there is more to say.
At the moment of birth, the self - moving individual soul arrives into the body of the newborn in an ensouling process controlled by a metaphysical entity called «the World Soul.»
It is certainly true that the healthy body, controlled by the healthy mind, will successfully resist all kinds of disease - producing organisms.
One alternative that seems ruled out by all of the churches» statements is the secularist's pro-choice argument that abortion is simply a matter of the mother's right to control her own body.
Persecuted alike by Romanists and Protestants of almost every sect, yet there has never existed a Government holding Baptist principles which persecuted others; nor, I believe, any body of Baptists ever held it to be right to put the consciences of others under the control of man.
That report was received by the Board of Control, the seminary's governing body, which conducted its own interviews of faculty and announced that it could find no professor guilty of heresy.
That is, in Jesus the Christian claims to see the divine love bodied forth, and his belief about God is controlled by his belief about Jesus.
The doctrine of free will of the human being by which he or she can control all passions and guide his or her body is an essential part of Syriac theology.
Also, let us not forget Justice O'Connor argument from Casey about liberating women from their baby making bodies so they can help boost the GDP: «The ability of women to participate equally in the economic and social life of the Nation has been facilitated by their ability to control their reproductive lives.»
The world was regarded as directly governed by spiritual powers, as a man controls his body.
Peace and Ramadan Kareem to all Muslim Brothers and Sisters... Inshallah fasting from Monday Dawn to SunSet... Just wonder in Christians or non Religious have tried fasting as Muslims do... am sure with time they will adopt it as a system for the health benefits it holds health and body... it is told it helps the body to discharge and burn out the poisonous chemicals from our bodies other than controlling weights... Some say they can not because of smoking other for water or food... but other than that is controlling anger or bad mood of the empty stomach, controlling one's tongue from hurting any one, to control eyes from staring at desire... Above all those to a Muslim he is to Maintain Prayers and Quran Reciting which of course beside it being a spiritual matter it is meant the body exercise by the up's and down's of prayers... as well as training of tongue & lungs by the Quran Recitation... these beside Tasbih «Praise of Glorify» helps to control one's breathing..
Discovering that you can control the «involuntary» response of the sympathetic nervous system (which regulates skin temperature) by intentionally relaxing, can enhance the awareness, «I'm in charge of me, including my body
We know that the stars are physical bodies whose motions are controlled by the laws of the universe, and not demonic beings which enslave mankind to their service.
After the Fall, says the Catechism, «the harmony in which they [Adam and Eve] had found themselves, thanks to original justice, is now destroyed: the control of the soul's spiritual faculties over the body is shattered» (400); and, it adds, this disorder can extend to the marital relationship itself: «the union of man and woman becomes subject to tensions, their relations henceforth marked by lust and domination» (ib.; cf. 409).
The IPCC is not, in fact, an objective, neutral body that evaluates pure research; it is a dominantly political body controlled by a tight group of true believers — an advocacy organization that only pretends to scientific objectivity.
With AIDS spiraling out of control in the ghettos the last thing Blacks need is to encourage activities that spread the disease, particularly to Black women who are tricked by men posing as straight but living in sin with other men and depositing their deadly AIDS virus into the bodies of innocent, unsuspecting women and hapless men.
Increase Mather was a contemporary of Sir Isaac Newton, but probably he never heard about the law of gravitation, and certainly he did not think the heavenly bodies were controlled by it.
By practicing the physical aspects of the discipline, we develop an acute awareness of the natural state of our bodies, increased focus and heightened self - control (Galatians 5:22).
But this power did not come from any ecclesiastical body, or through control of the sacraments, or by virtue of an academic degree or training, or by a majority vote of a church assembly.
Mankind is consisting of Body, Spirit and Soul the last of which has control of the faith of those two but by controlling it as the peeling evil as peeling onions a man would reach the spiritual core of becoming pure spiritual that can make use of senses more than those material ones... refer to (Terror free verses below);
Our strategy is to anger Hispanics by freaking out about the illegal aliens, to anger women by reducing their control over their own bodies and lessening their health care choices, to anger Blacks by calling the NAACP and MLK racist, to alienate moderates with our extremist ideologies like Tea Party and Limbaugh and the Religious Right.
Opponents of assisted suicide could strike a body blow by amending the Controlled Substances Act to prohibit the use of federally regulated drugs in the intentional ending of life.
They underline the virtues of quiet meditation, of contemplation and of control of the body by the mind and spirit in a way which is foreign to most Western minds, but which might yet prove valuable to modern Western man in his busy, noise - infested world.
The dispute was over an $ 8 million tax abatement, with the Masons contending that the state constitution forbids such aid to an institution controlled by a religious body.
If man is made, according to the flesh (for the soul can not evolve in man) by a process of ordered evolution, the soul in man inherited a body made subject to the law of seeking control and direction, seeking the wisdom of its life - law.
The body is now no longer perfectly controlled by the soul — there is a sort of civil war:
In my case the disease was distinctly what would be classed as nervous, not organic; but from such opportunities as I have had of observing, I have come to the conclusion that the dividing line that has been drawn is an arbitrary one, the nerves controlling the internal activities and the nutrition of the body throughout; and I believe that the central nervous system, by starting and inhibiting local centres, can exercise a vast influence upon disease of any kind, if it can be brought to bear.
The products need to be followed by the dal NOP IMPORT CERTIFICATE issued by a EU authorized Control Body;
I'm already using MyFlo app to optimize my performance in connection to my cycle, and am considering taking my connection with my body wisdom to the next level by swapping out my IUD for cycle tracking method of birth control with the guidance of this book.
by Kellye Hunter and Dave DeWitt The power of chiles is enough to inspire mythology and folk tales, so it is not surprising that some people believe in its ability to control our minds — or at least our bodies.
You've been handed the opportunity to largely control your health by what you choose to put into your body.
Additionally, it's high in fiber (7g per cup) which means a lot of great things for your body — keeps you full, helps keep things moving (if you know what I mean), and may also reduce your risk for heart disease by controlling your cholesterol.
Control bodies (Certifying organisations) operating in non-EU countries are now directly authorised and monitored by the European Commission and EU countries.
In 1996 Bioagricoop became the first Body accredited by Ifoam for the Certification and Control of vegetal, animal and processed organic products.
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