Sentences with phrase «controlling activity of genes»

Within the duplicate regions, Carmona - Mora and her colleagues discovered many switches, known as enhancers, important for controlling activity of genes.
These changes, known as epigenetic modifications, control the activity of our genes without changing the actual DNA sequence.
Every genome contains many thousands of short bits of DNA called «enhancers,» whose role is to control the activity of genes.
Berninger and others have previously shown that Sox2, Ascl1, and other transcription factors — proteins that bind to specific DNA sequences to control the activity of genes — can induce the nonneuronal «support cells» known as glia to turn into neurons.
Optogenetic methods and tools have evolved fast, and in addition to be able to control cellular activity, researchers can now control the activity of gene function.
The pair of studies bring renewed focus to the epigenetics of T cells — the multilayered system of molecular switches, accelerators, and throttles that controls the activity of genes.
Many researchers think that it participates in controlling the activities of genes and in helping the 1 metre of DNA present in each cell to twist and pack itself into the cell's minute nucleus.
Wray is particularly interested in DNA segments called enhancers, which control the activity of genes nearby.

Not exact matches

They asked the question, What controls the activity of a single gene, turning it on or off?
But it is not actually the crucial question, which is, What controls the activity of the complex interacting set of genes, which produces a nerve cell or a muscle cell?
What all these have in common is that, without any central control, individual units (genes, cells neurons or workers) respond to simple, local information, in ways that allow the whole system (cells, brains, organisms or colonies) to function: the appropriate number of units performs each activity at the appropriate time.
By tracking activity in almost all the genes of a free - living archaeon — which, like a bacterium, is a prokaryote — Bonneau was recently able to piece together how the genes affected one another's expression, enabling him to map the organism's «control circuit» as if it were a machine.
The new method may make some types of gene therapy easier and could be a boon for researchers hoping to control gene activity in animals, scientists say.
This bundling of DNA acts as a switchboard for controlling genes» activity and directs a cell's complex molecular machinery.
Other techniques exist for remotely controlling the activity of cells or the expression of genes in living animals.
Many of the additional 38 missing genes looked like they coded for proteins involved in controlling the activity of other genes.
«The elephant results revealed noncoding sequences in the human genome that we predict may control gene activity and reduce the formation of mutations and cancer.»
We know that Hox genes encode transcription factors that control the activity of other genes, but we found that digit - innervating motor neurons also express other genes, such as FIGN and CNEP4], and we still don't know the function of any of these other genes.
Significantly, treatment with 6AN specifically decreased the activity of genes with malignant, cancer - spreading functions, like cell cycle control and DNA repair.
«Previous techniques that have been used to investigate DNA control sequences usually rely on sorting cells one by one and measuring gene activity in each of them,» says Dr Eva Yus, lead author of the paper.
Publishing their findings in the open - access journal Nature Communications, the researchers discovered DNA sequences for «control dials» that consistently produce very high levels of gene activity.
But as you said, as an individual eats a high - fat diet or is exposed to other types of environmental exposures, the ability of the liver to adapt involves turning on and turning off certain liver genes to control the liver's activity, and that's mediated through these epigenetic mechanisms that modify the activity of established liver genes.
«Because many broadly expressed genes that play key roles in essential cellular functions are under the control of cell - specific enhancers, the ability to affect enhancer function by knocking down eRNAs could potentially provide a new strategy for altering gene expression in vivo in a cell - specific manner,» said Glass, noting that in his research, anti-sense oligonucleotides were developed in conjunction with Isis Pharmaceuticals, which suppressed enhancer activity and reduced expression in nearby genes.
When these birds sing, the activity of a master gene called FoxP2 declines in a key region of the brain involved in vocal control known as Area X.
Nestler: It's, to a first level of approximation, it's simple and straightforward, that there are a set number of modifications that could be made to the DNA itself or to the proteins that bind to DNA and control its structure, and activity and that those small number of modifications either turn a gene on or off.
Compared with living people, Neandertals and ancient Siberians known as Denisovans had slightly different patterns of DNA methylation — a chemical modification of DNA that doesn't change the information in genes but helps control gene activity.
Scientists of the Transfaculty Research Platform «Molecular and Cognitive Neurosciences» (MCN) at the University of Basel and the Psychiatric University Clinics have now described a network of genes that controls fundamental properties of neurons and is related to working memory, brain activity and schizophrenia.
Basel scientists have now identified a network of genes that controls fundamental properties of neurons and is important for human brain activity, memory and the development of schizophrenia.
These Hox genes control the activity of a multitude of other genes that are responsible for the early development of an organism.
More analysis showed that altering Cdk5 activity changed the level of several groups of genes that were also affected by aging, including those that control immunity, energy, and antioxidant activity.
This result reflected earlier findings that ILC and T cell subclasses produce similar sets of cytokines, but also revealed differences in how the two cell types control the activities of these key immune response genes.
Blau's group found that the daily changes in Rho1 activity are controlled by rhythms in transcription of a gene very similar to human Puratrophin - 1.
Sequencing the genome and assessing gene activity in various tissues in the tsetse fly led to new insights into its biology and the control of parasitic diseases transmitted by this insect.
Just as engineers rearrange capacitors and resistors to create different electric circuits, researchers can arrange gene promoters and repressors — stretches of DNA that control gene activity — to create gene circuits with different properties.
Scientists have known for years that the genome is riddled with sequences that control gene activity and is not just made up of genes.
In the illustration, each tissue type is followed by the number of genes whose level of activity is controlled by nearby genes on the same chromosome (cis); those whose activity is associated with genes on other chromosomes (trans); and the number of tissue samples studied.
One of the «hits» was Lhx1, a member of a family of genes whose protein products affect development by controlling the activity of other genes.
«Clock genes» control our circadian rhythms, and the easiest place to extract evidence of their activity is from hair follicles, according to researchers at Japan's Yamaguchi University.
In the Nature papers, the researchers compared gene transcription, chromatin modification and other processes that control gene activity in a wide range of mouse and human tissues and cell types.
In June, he and his colleague Thaddeus Stappenbeck argued in Nature that all mouse studies should use littermate controls: When studying the activity of a particular gene, breed mice with and without that gene by starting with heterozygous parents.
«This tells us that the NuRD complex is very influential — not only does it affect the activity of genes directly, it also controls other regulators of multiple genes,» Bonni said.
They found three DNA deletions in the genetic switch that controls the activity of the Sonic hedgehog gene.
SIRT1 (yellow ovals) may help mice live longer by fine - tuning activity of genes that control the body's sugar supply.
Situated in front of the gene, this switch, called an enhancer, is a docking site for proteins that control the gene's activity.
These sequences in our DNA are often situated far away from the actual genes they regulate, in comparison to so called promoter regions, which traditionally have been considered to control most of the gene activity.
This gene has a role in controlling cell division and has been shown to have increased activity in cancers of the breast, stomach and prostate.
Scientists at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona, Spain, have developed a new technique to crack the underlying DNA code for the «control dials» that determine levels of gene activity in bacteria.
The genes involved encode proteins that control the activity of a very important and ubiquitous class of molecules that are a major target of pharmacologic agents across medicine,» says Ethan Goldberg, MD, PhD, an attending physician and instructor of neurology at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and The Perelman School of Medicine at The University of Pennsylvania.
It turns out that zinc is vitally important for enabling cells to control the activity levels of different genes in our DNA.
Werner, S. L., Barken, D. & Hoffmann, A. Stimulus specificity of gene expression programs determined by temporal control of IKK activity.
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