Sentences with phrase «controversial content»

YouTube had been using algorithms to prevent showing ads on controversial content, but CEO Susan Wojcicki said that they may start to -LSB-...]
(Some potentially controversial content prevented the game from being localized on the original PlayStion.)
Meanwhile, Facebook's leaders who write the community standards and content policies also act as editors, vetoing or allowing controversial content like reports of police shootings or nude historical photographs.
YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki set off a mini firestorm earlier this month when she announced that the popular video sharing site would soon be tapping into Wikipedia's knowledge base as a supplemental resource to controversial content like conspiracy theories and hoaxes.
«I'm being demonetized because I'm a conservative and Google is a bunch of liberals»... [When] YouTube decided to demonetize controversial content, they happened to affect the most passionate people who had the most intense ideas.
Facebook has been under pressure to more closely police hoaxes, fake news and other controversial content, although the concerns have had little impact on its finances.
Several websites publish the highly controversial content the FPÖ frequently shares on social media.
And yet there's commonality: a marriage of sensitivity to character with fearlessness regarding controversial content; and, all three of McQueen's films have dealt in incarceration of a kind - the inhabitants of the Maze in Hunger, a man imprisoned by his own addiction in Shame and now a man caught in the shackles of slavery.
Most often, the challenge occurs because of controversial content such as language, sexual material, descriptions magic or occult activity, or characters with negative attitudes.
Last year, Dirty Corner (a piece from Anish Kapoor's contribution) was vandalized for having ostensibly controversial content.
Critics of Germany's NetzDG law argue it will encourage tech platforms to censor controversial content to avoid the risk of big fines.
For example, Apple bans games with controversial content from the app store.
Ms. Beatty is a managing editor, which basically means she handles staffing, assignments, meetings, deadlines and deciding on controversial content.
Two tenants — the Drawing Center and a proposed Freedom Center — were ousted from the site because of their potentially controversial content.
With that in mind, «there may be the rare occasion when we allow controversial content or behavior which may otherwise violate our Rules to remain on our service because we believe there is a legitimate public interest in its availability.»
Twitter and Reddit are cracking down on controversial content.
HBO is a great teacher here: The network has long relied on unique, controversial content to fuel its viewership growth.
Bell and Rogers would happily pay for lawyers just for the controversial content alone.
Unless, of course, the bill is neutered so as to be rendered devoid of any controversial content.
The director's detractors have tended to concentrate on the controversial content of his films (American presidents and serial killers, among other subjects), dissecting and occasionally discounting his work because of the ways in which it deviated from its historical inspiration.
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher is often praised (and denounced) for its controversial content, a devastating account of a teen's decision to commit suicide.
Save your controversial content for the inside.
«With before [Binding], I want to say there was still a little confusion on how we handle some of that questionable or controversial content.
So is Barnes & Noble banning The Four - Hour Chef because of its controversial content?
Our culture seemingly rewards those that write shocking and controversial content.
The game enjoyed critical acclaim, even though it featured some controversial content.
In terms of surprises for Shaw, the most came from Grand Theft Auto, a series known for its controversial content, and Leisure Suit Larry, where you play as a man trying to have as sex with as many women as possible.
Controversial content can be a fantastic marketing element for games.
Both films are almost meditative through their use of repetition, however the series online is intended to evoke a global discussion surrounding this democratic medium and it's, at times, controversial content.
Controversial content is as common in the art world as paint.
The fallout from the hacking of the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia continues this week, with huge attention still focused on the controversial content of leaked emails between leading climate scientists.
This update is in line with our approach to free expression and controversial content, which hasn't changed.
Cryptome has been posting very interesting and controversial content on the internet since 1996.
Big Social Sites Are Cracking Down on Controversial Content.
The latest triggers to alarm marketers about YouTube have been the controversial content posted by YouTube stars (such as Logan Paul, whose channel is no longer part of Google Preferred after he posted a video showing the body of a suicide victim) and highly objectionable videos featuring or aimed at children.
Google subsequently updated the platform's guidelines to stop ads being served to controversial content, including videos containing «hateful content» and «incendiary and demeaning content» so their makers could no longer monetize the content via Google's ad network.
YouTube had been using algorithms to prevent showing ads on controversial content, but CEO Susan Wojcicki said that they may start to ad more human moderators to be able to review videos better.
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