Sentences with phrase «controversial leader»

Indira Gandhi — India's first female prime minister — was one of the most influential and controversial leaders of the country.
Venezuela's controversial leader Nicolas Maduro has claimed that his administration's Petro cryptocurrency raised $ 735 million on day one of its pre-sale, a figure that many in the digital currency market are still struggling to verify.
In his latest book, The Influence of Teachers, Merrow tackles many of today's hot - button issues, from teacher tenure, to charter schools, to controversial leaders such as Michelle Rhee and Paul Vallas.
Cuban artist José Toirac's conceptual single - screen work Opus (2005), features an edited speech by controversial leader Fidel Castro — himself increasingly disappearing after retiring in 2008 — where everything but numbers are cut out from the audio track.
Paul Watson, the charismatic and controversial leader of the Sea Shepherd campaign against Japanese whale hunts, has offered a potent rebuttal tonight to allegations that he ordered the scuttling of the Ady Gil, a million - dollar anti-whaling patrol boat damaged after a collision with a Japanese ship in the southern ocean early this year.
The controversial leader resigned from the company's board today, after having stepped down as chairman in 2013.
Ellison, who ran unsuccessfully for the chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee, has been complimentary of the Nation of Islam and its controversial leader, Louis Farrakhan, which he has since repudiated.
Lancaster Town Supervisor Dino Fudoli has proven to be quite a controversial leader since assuming office on January 1st.
«For me, the recent comment made by the Senate President on this matter was a mere political statement that would only portray him as a controversial leader.
Either way, it is also difficult to see the public accepting the notion of one party being permanently in government — the Liberal Democrats are currently the only viable coalition ally for both Labour and the Tories — and leaving their controversial leader in place is likely a bridge too far.
President Donald Trump is no doubt known to be a controversial leader the United States ever had.
For some, the mayor went too far in inviting Rev. Al Sharpton to a roundtable, where the controversial leader sat along with Police Commissioner Bill Bratton, and went even further when he spoke of his son's relationship with police.
The controversial leader even made sneering references to «Negroes you ain't never seen before,» apparently looking to dissuade blacks drawn to Williams» campaign.
But a broader problem is that Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), which coordinates all conservation and excavation activities in the country, has been mostly paralyzed since the departure of its charismatic but controversial leader, Zahi Hawass.
As it happens, she's one of six people in the West who understand the language, and what she hears seems to suggest that the controversial leader of a small country may be assassinated during a scheduled speech before the assembly in the next week.
On the walls are posters of Louis Farrakhan, the controversial leader of the Nation of Islam.
Kaiser Wilhelm II — or Kaiser Bill, as he was known to the American doughboys who fought against his army in World War I — was one of history's most flamboyant and controversial leaders.
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