Sentences with phrase «controversial rule»

This year was the first year that the auction implemented controversial rules that require generation resources to be available year - round.
Article 3 InfoSoc Directive has already produced a number of preliminary references (Rafael Hoteles, Del Corso, Svensson, BestWater, Reha Training, GS Media), which can be considered as some of the more controversial rulings of the CJEU in copyright matters.
At the top of the page is a story with the headline «Bishops Approve Controversial Rules for Catholic Higher Education.»
Dayen raised the issue recently in his analysis of controversial rule changes proposed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board, which coincide with SEC efforts that could water down already inadequate corporate disclosures.
The launch of Bitcoin futures was a recent controversial ruling by the regulatory bodies, who took a fair degree of criticism for their decision.
«Nor does it seem that his most controversial ruling on abortion stands as a major roadblock to confirmation.
In the past two years it has issued controversial rules on sexual harassment, school discipline and instruction of English learners.
Last November, the Texas State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC), on which I was appointed to serve by Governor Rick Perry, narrowly approved a very controversial rule authorizing probationary certification to aspiring teachers who want to be licensed to teach using an alternative to the traditional certification route, typically through the colleges of education.
Controversial rule promotes personal care and bars forced arbitration in long - term health care.
Alexandre Lacazette has been ruled out for the next four to five weeks, while Laurent Koscielny, Jack Wilshere and Aaron Ramsey have all had to be left out of the squad, and with Pierre - Emerick Aubameyang cup - tied due to a somewhat controversial ruling, we are left short of options.
The National Labor Relations Board vacated a decision overturning one of the Obama administration's most controversial rulings following an ethics complaint against a Trump appointee.
In a potentially controversial ruling, an Ontario judge recently refused to grant two insured applicants full indemnity for costs on a motion related to the duty to defend.
In April, the Supreme Court of Canada, in R. v. Summers, issued its own controversial ruling that allowed judges to offer the maximum «enhanced» credit of 1.5 to 1 for time served.
U.S. appeals court upheld Federal Reserve's controversial rules for debit card «swipe fees», Reuters
A modern incarnation of the popular and controversial Rules by Fein and Schneider, this set of Rules was snatched up before I hunkered down with it for the night.
In a very controversial ruling, the judge decided that Prince «changed the meaning of the artwork,» which transferred ownership to him.
This controversial ruling effectively forced polling firms to replace their call center equipment, in which the autodialing function could be switched on and off.
A controversial ruling regarding solar energy in Nevada challenges business leaders on ethics, the environment and corporate social responsibility.
Conflicting signs from the White House have left brokerage firms and lobbyists unsure whether a controversial rule governing retirement advice will ever be put in place, but they are taking no chances and complying anyway.
And in the past few months, he hasn't even been able to get his executive branch nominees through the Senate, where Democrats in the majority have gone so far as to implement a controversial rule change to block filibusters of most nominations.
The Senate voted Tuesday night to kill a controversial rule that would have allowed Americans to file class - action suits against banks instead of being forced in many cases into private arbitration.
The White House appears to be softening its stance on the controversial rule forcing some religious organizations to provide birth control as part of their health insurance plans.
White House (CNN)-- The White House appears to be softening its stance on the controversial rule forcing some religious organizations to provide birth control as part of their health insurance plans.
The controversial ruling was appealed and accepted for review by the U.S. Supreme Court.
The Chicago Tribunereports that today, the new administration «will move to rescind a controversial rule that allows health - care workers to deny abortion counseling or other family - planning services if doing so would violate their moral beliefs.»
After a controversial ruling disqualified him from his strongest event, De La Salle hurdler Marquis Morris earned...
After a controversial ruling disqualified him from his strongest event, De La Salle hurdler Marquis Morris earned state gold anyway.
Almost immediately the controversial rule came under fire — although not from Bolt, who did not comment after the race except to tell reporters who followed him off the track: «Looking for tears?
One controversial rule that KU took advantage of during the 2013 - 14 season in signing Memphis senior Tarik Black is one that allows players who have graduated to transfer and not have to sit out a season.
A Manhattan Democratic club is opposing Lori Sattler's candidacy for Manhattan Supreme Court for her controversial ruling about abortion, sending 10,000 voters provocative mailings with images of «The Scarlet Letter's» Hester Prynne.
De Blasio has just six days to decide whether to keep a Brooklyn judge who let two men charged with anti-cop crimes walk free without bail — as outrage mounts over her controversial rulings.
The National Restaurant Association successfully persuaded an appeals court to issue a temporarily stay on a controversial rule requiring chain restaurants in New York City to alert customers to the high - sodium food that they serve, a day before the rule was scheduled to go into effect.
But one sweet spot in the White House's review of environmental regulations, said local farmers, is that a controversial rule passed under the Obama administration may be overturned.
The state Supreme Court has overturned a Superior Court judge's controversial ruling that would have upended the state's educational - funding scheme and mandated a vast overhaul of teacher evaluations, educational standards and special - education...
The state Supreme Court has overturned a Superior Court judge's controversial ruling that would have upended the state's educational - funding scheme and mandated a vast overhaul of teacher evaluations, educational standards and special - education services.
Mountain Lake PBS in Plattsburgh recently aired a forum on the controversial rule and what it might mean for employers and their workers throughout the region.
A Manhattan Democratic club is attacking a judge for a controversial ruling about abortion — sending 10,000 Upper West Side voters provocative mailings with images of Nathaniel Hawthorne's Hester Prynne.
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced today that he will retain the Bush administration's controversial rule on polar bear protections, rejecting special authority given to him by Congress and the pleas of Democratic lawmakers, environmentalists and scientists to overturn the regulation.
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is poised to announce a controversial rule today that would ban researchers with active agency grants from serving on EPA advisory boards.
To understand this controversial ruling, both how it came about and its implications moving forward, it's important to take a look at the history, biologically and politically, of hESCs in the U.S.
In a terse, one - page order, the justices ruled 7 to 0 that any appeal in the school - finance case would had to have been filed by July 21, 1993, four months after Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Eugene W. Reese issued the controversial ruling.
The full federal appeals court in San Francisco has cleared the way for a controversial ruling to take effect that barred public schools from leading the Pledge of Allegiance.
The controversial ruling has also drawn the attention of federal officials, who plan to file a brief on the child's behalf in the appeal.
The package is just one of a series of initiatives the administration has pressed pertaining to teacher quality, highlighted by its controversial rules for a new evaluation system for current teachers.
While Torlakson moved to appeal the controversial ruling., Tuck celebrated it — having come out squarely against due process for teachers, even though research shows the importance of experience to a teacher's success.
Now the DOE is grappling with how to apply its controversial rules to online teacher preparation programs, which have become the top providers of education degrees in the country.
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