Sentences with phrase «controversial scheme»

Gordon Brown has been called upon to confirm his position on ID cards, amid increasing Westminster speculation he will abandon the government's controversial scheme once prime minister.
Last week marked the beginning of a tax trial between Bank of New York (bk) and the IRS involving a controversial scheme called STARS.
As from midnight last night, any homeowners marketing a one - or two - bedroom property for sale must provide a Hip, complete with energy performance certificate, marking the full rollout of the government's controversial scheme.
Ms Smith told journalists the unveiling was a «mark of commitment» from the government to the controversial scheme, which will begin on November 25th.
Clinton is expanding on her plans to crack down on corporate inversions, the controversial scheme where companies move their legal address abroad for tax reasons.
The «One World Conservatism» green paper also proposes «payment by results» funding for agencies and a controversial scheme concerning aid vouchers, which would give impoverished communities choice over the help they receive.
I got Osborne's backing for the British Business Bank [a state bank that gives loans to small and medium - sized businesses], in return for not opposing his controversial scheme to create a new form of worker ownership with fewer rights [where workers received shares in exchange for waiving their rights to, for example, redundancy pay].
Just last week, Ms Morgan announced she would be funding a range of projects that aim to develop character, including a controversial scheme to bring in high - profile rugby union players and coaches into schools to help instil the trait into pupils.
In a letter to the Information Commissioner, Mr Gove suggested that there had been «personal attacks» on individuals involved in submitting applications under the controversial scheme.
While the government claims the reforms are an essential response to rising costs, the Highways Agency proposes to spend # 2.5 bn on a controversial scheme to widen 50 miles of the M1 - about as much as the annual legal aid budget.
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