Sentences with phrase «controversy surrounding something»

Vegan and vegetarian diets for dogs and cats are becoming more mainstream and there is a great deal of controversy surrounding them.
Still, whatever controversies surround it, it's an interesting watch.
Yet due to both the inherent complexity of the topic and the social controversies surrounding it, confusion and doubt often persist.
Despite controversy surrounding him on many occasions, Vieira's tackling, strength and control on the ball was truly a joy to watch.
For those of you who haven't heard, Zoe Quinn, a writer for Kotaku and creator of the indie «game» Depression Quest, has had controversy surrounding her for a couple weeks now.
In their new books, Jose M. Sanchez and Justus George Lawler adopt a more moderate approach to Pius, seeking to understand and explain the enduring controversy surrounding him rather than to defend or defame him.
i'll admit i don't recall any specific catch - rule controversy surrounding him, but damn, it was a long time ago.
Red Sparrow has a lot of controversy surrounding it due to its sexual and physical violence.
Rather than a quick 3 - 4 minute video review, I filmed my friend Wendi and me having a lengthy, 30 - minute conversation about the film, its depiction of women, and the real - life controversy surrounding it.
After the controversy surrounding
New Super Mario Bros. 2, however, has some mild controversy surrounding it.
Despite the constant controversy surrounding him, Serra is widely esteemed as a great sculptor.
While we are studying the new EPA proposed rule on cutting CO2 emissions from power plants, and the immediate and inevitable controversies surrounding it, we can also look ahead and identify some next steps in promoting science - based policy action on... Continue reading →
Perhaps Beyoncé and Kanye are just cashing in on whatever controversies surround them; why not control the script of a partner's infidelity in this celeb - obsessed world?
In a special press call hosted by board member Arianna Huffington, Uber promised that changes are coming to the ride - hailing company amid the storm of controversy surrounding it.
Regardless of this, some investors are still wary about the idea of investing in the digital currency, due to the controversies surrounding it and its price volatility.
Despite of the controversies surrounding it, its capitalization is exponentially growing.
Michigan pastor Rob Bell recently appeared on CNN's «American Morning,» speaking about his book «Love Wins» and the controversy surrounding it.
However, it appears as though the controversy surrounding him off the pitch won't go away, with Raiola and the club continuing to butt heads and make life difficult.
Pender will most likely settle the middleweight championship — andeliminate the confusion and controversy surrounding it — by taking on GeneFullmer, who is the National Boxing Association champion, acclaimed in allstates save Pender's, as well as Asia and South America.
Whether or not you overtly oppose any type of spanking, support it in very limited cases, or like many parents, publicly decry its use but privately have used it at least once on a defiant or out - of - control child, the controversy surrounding it isn't likely to end for generations to come.
Concern about childhood hunger also drives my consistent support of in - class school breakfast programs, despite the controversy surrounding them in some quarters, and it's why this blog has offered since its inception a list of reputable anti-hunger charities to which to donate, as well as seasonal reminders asking TLT readers to keep America's 15 million food insecure kids in mind.
I know how hard it is to do, and I can appreciate the controversy surrounding it.
The referendum and the controversy surrounding it gained much unexpected pre-vote publicity.
The poll also asked questions about the governor's Moreland Commission on ethics, and the controversy surrounding it, and found some weaknesses there for Cuomo.
The controversies surrounding it, however come from its appeal to those that rest within the Militant tradition, such as Left Unity, which have little or nothing in common with the Labour Party.
The poll also asked questions about the governor's Moreland Act Commission, and the controversy surrounding it, and found some weaknesses there for Cuomo.
By opening up the courts, confidence would be boosted and controversy surrounding them would disappear, they claim.
But Philip Major, who recently moved from Wyoming to Syracuse, said the project shouldn't be derailed by the controversy surrounding it.
So when the new prime minister asked Hawass to resume his post in April, many Egyptologists were relieved, despite the controversy surrounding him.
Rosenhouse presents a perspective on probability focused on the Monty Hall problem and the controversies surrounding it.
The herbs used in homemade root beer, mainly sassafras and sarsaparilla (as well as wintergreen), have some controversy surrounding them.
Gluten sensitivity, also known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity or sometimes gluten intolerance, has only been recently recognized as a stand - alone condition by the medical community, and there's still plenty of controversy surrounding it.
As a personal trainer who encourages healthy diet choices and a consistent exercise regime for everyone, I have a hard time jumping on the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) diet bandwagon and find the controversy surrounding it frustrating.
But, unless you were living under a rock, you knew the outcome of this season and the controversy surrounding it.
A majority of the people who viewed this movie did solely based off of the controversy surrounding it and the fact that Franco and rogen were in it.
In the first part of their summit, the panel debated the fate of this year's older leading actor contenders, gauged the depth of love for «12 Years a Slave» and considered what kind of Oscar bump «The Wolf of Wall Street» might have received from all the controversy surrounding it.
It's hard to watch Snowpiercer without thinking about the last several months of controversy surrounding it.
Seen today, 35 years after its aborted debut and the controversy surrounding it, one can look at «They All Laughed» and finally recognize what an absolute charmer it really is.
The film critic Pauline Kael reported that there were «hisses and loud boos» every time Welles or the film's name was read out on the night, such was the stench of controversy surrounding it.
So the controversy surrounding it might seem a bit surprising.
Will «All the Money in the World» opening, is it REALLY an Oscar contender despite the controversy surrounding it?
He spoke with the Gazette about the standards and some of the controversy surrounding them.
«Given all the controversy surrounding it and the fact that I don't know that it benefits us right now, that's the reason I vote to withdraw.»
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