Sentences with phrase «convective activity»

"Convective activity" refers to the movement of air or fluids caused by temperature differences. It usually involves the rising and falling of warmer and cooler air or liquids, creating currents or circulation. Full definition
ENSO has been proposed as a self - regulator of temperature that increases in convective activity in response to temperature differential.
[Technically speaking, it is caused by increased convective activity whereby cumulus clouds carry latent heat from the surface of the tropical ocean into the upper troposphere.
The process begins when strong convective activity over equatorial East Asia and subsiding cool air off South America's west coast creates a wind pattern which pushes Pacific water westward and piles it up in the western Pacific.
The much cooler conditions to the west of the Central American isthmus both in absolute and anomaly terms understandably focused convective activity as a whole into the Atlantic and away from the Pacific.
«There is one statement in the Manabe paper that is relevant:» the reduction in surface salinity resulting from the increase of freshwater supply at the oceanic surface is mainly responsible for the weaker convective activity in the G integration.»
Over the forest, a lack of lifting mechanism suppressed convective activity even though the atmosphere was more unstable.
In addition, frontal lifting may be strong enough to generate some weak convective activity near the frontal boundary, which could produce an isolated thunderstorm or grapuel / hail down to sea level just about anywhere.
If convective activity slows in the Western Pacific for some reason (this reason is not currently known), the climates of areas adjacent to the Western Pacific are affected.
This minimum temperature can be related to convective activity over open ocean and suggest the presence of an active regulation mechanism.
Large positive SST anomalies in the central and eastern Pacific during El Niño tend to focus convective activity (thunderstorms, tropical storms, etc.) into those regions while suppressing activity elsewhere via both changes in atmospheric stability and wind shear.
Gravity waves are caused by winds intersecting with mountain ranges (lee waves etc.), moist convective activity, shear in the atmosphere etc..
Global warming from anthropogenic forcing suggests increased convective activity but there is a possible trade - off between localised versus organised convection (IPCC, 2001).
I would assume that it would need to break down the troposphere into 3 - 5 layers or zones and include an animated portrayal of the radiative and convective activity that goes on there.
The decrease is negatively correlated to local SST anomalies, especially in the eastern tropical Pacific, and is associated with a change in convective activity.
However, absorption of incoming IR does not significantly affect the greenhouse effect or even the surface temperature because of the dominance of convective activity in setting atmospheric temperature gradients.
In the atmosphere, there has been an increase in convective activity in the central Pacific, with a typhoon developing in that region during August.
The long - term trends identified in the reanalyses and the OLR measurements are nevertheless consistent with the notion of increasing opacity for IR light, elevation of the OLR emission level, and convective activity.
Experience has shown that the resolution, timeliness, and format of NAPLN Lightning Data do not present a complete picture or description of the presence of lightning or convective activity in a particular area or the potential impact of such activity on the safety of personnel and property.
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