Sentences with phrase «convent school»

A "convent school" is a school that is run by nuns or sisters belonging to a religious order. Full definition
They were educated at convent schools, could rise to become prioresses or abbesses of great houses and were numbered amongst the scholars, Saints, mystics and martyrs of the church.
She attended Catholic convent schools in Dublin, apart from one year in New York at the age of ten.
Additionally, Iona, Isabel and Lucy from Alton Convent School won the future of food category for «Natural Nutrients».
I went to an all - girls convent school with an emphasis on girls» academic ability and career possibilities that was almost feminist, but coupled with a totally repressive view of sex, relationships and the body.
McCarthy would later recall the «mysterious aristocratic punctilio» of her Seattle convent school, an intoxicating blend of austerity, high culture, and Old World pomp.
For example, in the chapter about God entitled «The Three - Letter Word,» she begins with how she learned about God as a young Jewish girl educated in a British convent school.
Though she grew up speaking Greek and Turkish in a primarily Arabic - speaking society, she was educated at French convent schools and French became the language in which her early work was first written.
I attended Catholic convent schools in Dublin, apart from one eye - opening year in New York at the age of ten.
Created by Alexandria Hall, a 15 year - old from Alton Convent School, BwB — Bras with Benefits is a cancer detecting bra, designed to identify early stage breast cancer before outward signs are visible.
I began to smell a rat when, at the convent school to which my wife and I finally sent one of my daughters, the sister who taught RE told me proudly that she didn't believe in «indoctrination».
Douglas was raised Catholic in a devout household and convent school and remained piously devoted to traditional Catholicism her entire life.
In 1948, she left the relative security of the convent school, to devote herself for the rest of her life to serve Christ in the poor.
...... and I went to a convent school, and there was so much crushing of my personality, and the nuns were so repressed.....»
She was sent to convent schools, while her brother went to Ampleforth.
(She paid tuition for Phyllis and her younger sister at the local Academy of the Sacred Heart by cataloguing the convent school's books.)
Like Adam, she is alone; her father was a vagabond Marxist who left Cordelia to foster care — she was mistakenly sent by the authorities to a Roman Catholic convent school.
Gooch traces O'Connor's Southern Catholic pedigree and upbringing: her conception «in the shadow of the cathedral» of Savannah, Georgia, her over-nurturing at the hands of her socially - ambitious mother Regina, her prickly relationship with the nuns at her convent school, her now - famous attempts to «dirty the feathers» of her guardian angel.
Perhaps the Christianity she had absorbed as a child of Protestant (Anglican) parents in a Catholic convent school (in Brittany) amounted merely to going through certain motions.
SM: The federal [Department of] Health and Human Services [HHS] alerted me that they were in the process of reviewing what I call the convent school as a potential to house unaccompanied minors who are coming across the border.
Lilli, a young girl at a convent school, is the gameï ¿ 1/2 s main character.
She attended a convent school before going to Holly Lodge Grammar School for Girls.
The problem was that the posing, discussing and reflecting addressed questions of faith in a convent school during the early 1980s in Year 7 Religious Education and this wasn't applauded by the cheerful and gentle nun who taught the classes.
She is an English teacher and Senior Assistant Headteacher at St. Ursula's Convent School, where she leads on Key Stage 3 assessment and maximising the achievement of upper ability pupils.
Schools involved included: in the north - west of England, Scarisbrick Hall School and their partner St Bedes Catholic High School; to Bishop Challoner School in Bromley and their partner schools Bonus Pastor Catholic College, Langley Park School for Boys, and St Ursula's Convent School; to CCSS and Bassingbourn Village College in Cambridgeshire.
* * * At fifteen, Poornima came of marriageable age, and she stopped going to the convent school.
Born in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1972, and educated there in a convent school into her teens, she moved to the United States to study art and by 2000 had earned degrees from Cooper Union and Yale.
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