Sentences with phrase «conventional mattresses»

Have you ever thought about all the hazardous chemicals found in conventional mattresses and what it can do to your health?
When a new mattress isn't an option, the solutions above can extend the usability of an older conventional mattress and help mitigate some of the potential problems.
Even after I'd researched the problem with conventional mattresses, I still had trouble finding a mattress brand that was a good alternative for us.
Not all organic / natural mattresses are created equal and some can have the same issues as conventional mattresses.
New organic mattresses also generally do not carry bacteria on the surface or fungus or mold growing inside the mattress, which older mattresses, especially conventional mattresses, risk.
They are excellent choices over more conventional mattress which tend to be covered in harmful chemicals and can host bacteria, mold, and fungi.
You don't get any of the added chemicals or fillers that conventional mattresses do.
(Vinyl has been used for conventional mattresses for years because it's durable, easy to clean, and inexpensive.)
In my later years I became more sensitive to chemicals and also injured my back, and I found that most conventional mattresses caused breathing problems that made it impossible to sleep!
Also, the king - size IntelliBED that we purchased with the 10 % discount comes out to $ 6.25 a month (for the duration of the 30 - year warranty), which was cheaper than the cost per month of many conventional mattresses based on when they recommend replacing.
Did you know that many conventional mattresses contain toxic chemicals that could be potentially dangerous or, as some scientists speculate, even fatal to your child?
On the one hand, some sources claim that the springs in conventional mattresses act as an amplifier for wi - fi and EMFs, and that this is the reason for higher rates of breast and other cancers of the left side of the body in the US and most of the developed world (but not in Japan, where mattresses do not contain springs).
At the point when I started to have concern about our mattress, it had already been off - gassing for several years (unfortunately, in our room), and a newer conventional mattress would have potentially had more chemicals than our existing mattress.
Unlike conventional mattresses, which contain petroleum - based synthetics, this all - natural mattress by Latex for Less is as clean and green as they come.
With the growing knowledge of phthalates, VOCs, and toxic flame retardants in conventional mattresses, new parents are increasingly interested in organic mattresses for their babies and children.
A federal law enacted in 1973 requires all mattresses to meet certain guidelines designed to prevent cigarette - ignition, so most conventional mattresses are treated with toxic fire - retardant chemicals that pose significant potential health risks.
My husband (who was skeptical at first) has even started raving about what a difference it is compared to our old conventional mattress.
There has also been some speculation that the chemical cocktails used in conventional mattresses are a possible cause of SIDS because when babies lay on their bellies, they're breathing them in with very little fresh air.
Switching from plastic containers to glass can be significantly more expensive; so can purchasing an organic mattress versus a conventional mattress.
Protect your baby from the hazardous chemicals and fumes found in conventional mattresses...
if you already have a conventional mattress and are unable to make a change right away, let it and the rest of your baby bedding air out on a sunny day to get rid of some of the fumes.
Conventional mattresses, in order to be fire resistant, also include all sorts of other chemicals that we think should be kept far away from babies.
This mattress is more eco-friendly than a conventional mattress manufactured from petroleum based oils.
A typical autopsy on a child who died from SIDS wouldn't reveal the toxic chemicals in the system, so that could be the reason more people aren't aware of the potential harm a conventional mattress could pose to their child.
However, to help you understand my enthusiasm, let me take you through our experience the last 22 months with a conventional mattress.
Mattress fill material in conventional mattress may include conventional cotton or treated fibers containing pesticides, antibacterial treatments, flame retardants, or other harsh chemicals.
Flame retardants, toxic adhesives, and pesticides: These are only a few of the questionable additions you will find in conventional mattresses.
Conventional mattresses are notorious for off - gassing.
We've always chosen to sleep on a futon rather than a standard mattress, for a variety of reasons (lower price, less potentially toxic materials, firmer support), and it's been a few decades since I've had a conventional mattress, so I'm a bit biased when it comes to bedding.
We've covered the topic before, and there are plenty of resources on the web for finding out about the potentially toxic ingredients in conventional mattresses, so it really comes down to personal preference (and the individual's level of chemical sensitivity) as to the choice between «natural» mattresses and synthetic ones.
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