Sentences with phrase «conventional paper»

I read recently where ebook sales far outweigh conventional paper books.
It covers a range of topics, from explaining the difference between conventional paper discovery and electronically stored information, to providing tips on a judge's role.
Conventional paper tax returns get twice the grace period because error codes don't apply.
Now You and Wu have come up with an alternative crease pattern, which adds a number of extra creases to the traditional pattern used in conventional paper grocery bags.
Slitting and cutting Tyvek ® can be done on most commercial equipment using conventional paper - cutting techniques
Other research efforts into e-paper have involved using organic transistors embedded into flexible substrates, [33][34] including attempts to build them into conventional paper.
«People read on digital paper exactly like reading on conventional paper, using natural light in the environment,» Liu told The Associated Press.
It has been proven that Fres - pet provides 30 % greater resistance to tearing than conventional paper structures and is superior in resisting the types of damage incurred during shipping, handling and distribution.
The new paper could be used to reinforce conventional paper, produce extra-strong sticky tape or help create tough synthetic replacements for biological tissues, says Lars Berglund from the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.
Electronic paper (e-paper) looks like conventional paper and the bright wash of color it generates uses the ambient light for rendition, just like conventional paint, so no backlight is needed.
Most papers are coated with a very thin layer of polythene to control water absorption and speed drying, and should not therefore be mixed with other waste paper destined for conventional paper recovery.
Thermal paper discolors with the friction; conventional paper does not.
Heino: Recent studies are showing that readers of online internet information have a lower content - retention rate than do readers of physically - in - one's - hands conventional papers / books.
Despite its great strength, Berglund's «nanopaper» is produced from a biological material found in conventional paper: cellulose.
Compared to conventional paper, Axello ® ZAP is substantially more durable, while retaining its natural paper characteristics and advantages from source to recycling.
The i — Pad could be just what is needed to get ebooks into the mainstream, because their advantages are so huge over their conventional paper cousins.
Conventional paper is made from cellulose, a crystalline polymer of glucose that's the primary component of plant cell walls.
The material — made from nanosized whiskers of cellulose — is also lighter than conventional paper and could provide sturdy scaffolds for growing replacement tissues and organs.
«The material [has] very small defects compared with a conventional paper network.»
The individual cellulose fibres are also much smaller than in conventional paper.
The laboratory began setting up a pilot database this week to hold the results of its own surveys, including the name of the site, its location, whether it is a listed ancient monument, who did the survey, data and plots of the results, and whether there is more information available in a conventional paper record.
The Video Journal of Engineering Research, published by John Wiley, has already taken the first step in this direction — the conventional paper journal comes with a video which shows animations and simulations.
Turning the proof into a conventional paper took longer, especially because the argument was scattered across hundreds of comments (blogs may not be the ideal platform, and ad - hoc collaboration tools may turn out to be better suited for math).
Even the most technologically advanced states have done little except replace the conventional paper - based, multiple - choice, fill - in - the - bubble tests with computerized versions of the same.
So for now, I'm staying with the conventional paper model.
It is a bold statement, but I think that the conventional paper book is in danger of extinction.
E-readers will also help save a lot of money as e-books generally cost less than their conventional paper counterparts.
All of this can be considered as a fall out of the demand by consumers for a substitute to conventional paper.
As an innovative change, Clearwater is going to stop making use of the conventional paper textbooks and instead give the students e-readers as substitutes in the following year.
What was really impressive was how fast this was current and running, a better site than any of the conventional papers and a tribute to web - based collaboration... [more]
My favorite change is the simplicity of the new telephone applications when compared to the conventional paper applications.
Complex, yes, but it showcased his skills and aptitude for the job in a way no conventional paper CV ever could have.
Until the Lansing Delta Township project, GM had relied on the conventional paper - based, two - dimensional design system for construction projects.
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