Sentences with phrase «conventional policy»

Most long - term care isn't covered under conventional policies.
And funding a policy can be done in months a couple of years, not 10 + years as many suggest based upon conventional policy designs that focus on death benefit.
And funding a policy can be done in months a couple of years, not 10 + years as many suggest based upon conventional policy designs that focus on death benefit.
The national crisis posed by the school - to - prison pipeline calls on us to go beyond conventional policy, funding, leadership, and action.
This basic model is used to analyze a series of conventional policy experiments, including school district consolidation and district power utilization.
This is necessary to spread the awareness as in our society there is a negative view towards these policies to promote other conventional policies for business.
More sober policymakers, like Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, have figured out ways to steer him away from his cruder impulses and toward a more measured, conventional policy approach.
What we're seeing is a fairly conventional policy maker who is being led by fairly weak data to reasonably conclude that we don't need to raise rates very quickly, but also to conclude that we should start this process sooner rather than later.
Being the politicians they are, they're likely to come up with relatively conventional policy ideas, working within the realms of what the Prime Minister and their civil servants think are realistic.
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis appears to be at odds with Trump on Russia and other key issues, setting up potential discord but also helping to nudge the White House toward more conventional policy stances.
«The Next Generation of Renewable Electricity Policy: How Rapid Change is Breaking Down Conventional Policy Categories
This is primarily because it makes the costs of the policy transparent, unlike conventional policy instruments, such as performance and technology standards, which tend to hide costs.
when i am trying to pay premium (Jeevan labh, code 863) its asking type of policy like conventional policies ulip / health policies pay renewal premium pay additional (top up) premium Please suggest which one i need to select for jeevan labh policy
In the case of single premium policies, commission is paid once and at a lower rate, whereas in conventional policies the commission is paid on premiums paid on every mode and at a bit higher rate.
From a risk - management perspective, therefore, the asymmetry in the conventional policy toolkit would lead me to expect policy to be tilted somewhat in favor of guarding against downside risks relative to preemptively raising rates to guard against upside risks.
That would mean using more unconventional monetary policies, and the issue becomes how effective are these policies, and would you want them to become, in effect, conventional policies.
Second, the discussion often becomes indistinguishable from a conventional policy debate, at which point one's antennae go up.
If the coverage for driving on a race track is removed, the premium will not cost any more than a conventional policy.
As with a conventional policy, it's wise to compare car insurance quotes before choosing your non-owner policy.
While non-owner insurance is generally cheaper than conventional policies, there are still significant price variations between carriers, particularly if you have a less - than - perfect driving record.
Conventional policies have level premiums that do not go up.
Some states have a tiered system, which makes it easier for a high risk driver to be covered in a conventional policy.
A life insurance policy can be more that just a conventional policy with just a death benefit.
Motorhome insurance rates also depend on whether you are simply buying a conventional policy or are paying for extra coverage.
An accident would require immediate response within the golden hour, which is not available under the conventional policy
Compare the LIC conventional Policy to Bank Saving Account.Because in LIC premium for conventional policy is deposited on yearly basis.
An advantage of the no medical exam plan is that your approval might come much quicker than with a conventional policy.
Without a medical exam, you can get approved within days, which is much faster than the 30 days that it could take with a conventional policy.
While government auto insurance can be an immense relief for low income families, it's important to know that this kind of insurance doesn't provide the same coverage as a conventional policy.
In conventional policies, insuranace Companies pay sum insured + guaranteed additions during maturity.
Such policies can be purchased for any length of time, and conventional policies are available for 1, 5, 10, 20 and 30 years.
And remember, collision coverage is just an added benefit that you can get with your conventional policy and it may or may not cover the entire requirement stipulated by your state in the United States of America.
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