Sentences with phrase «conventional use»

Yeah it's not the most conventional use of a purple sweet potato, but my mind just thinks in desserts not dinners.
In its more conventional use, the term «muscle tone» refers to muscles that are visually clearly defined and have a firm appearance.
Conventional use of the fax machine can be discontinued in case of online payday loans.
The new synthesis tends to echo the panel's earlier reports on global warming mitigation options, implying that a price on carbon and some shifts in policy (subsidies, for instance) are all that's needed for an swift and affordable transition from conventional use of fossil fuels.
Rooms Repurposed is a lot of fun for someone like me who has a relatively small house and doesn't want to waste any space for conventional uses like a staid / cookie cutter (but hardly ever used) dining room.
A history of DIY jamming and hacking presents the way artists have continued to subvert conventional uses of technology and challenge the status - quo, from the internet as militarily - designed, to corporately - exploited, civilian - employed, artistically - manipulated, and back again.
A central take - home message, he said (and I agreed), is that adaptation to heat is a prime imperative even as the much tougher task of moving beyond conventional use of fossil fuels is pursued.
This is only true in the case of an impact wrench, not conventional use of a torque wrench.
Given that the United States, China and other countries sit on vast reserves of coal, and that vast volumes of carbon dioxide will come from conventional use of this energy source, what is the best way forward?
There are a number of power - optimising modes you can use to get a bit of extra stamina in more conventional use, too.
The Japanese automaker calls them Dynamic Force Engines — one is designated for conventional use, the other for hybrids — and they achieve a thermal efficiency of 40 and 41 percent, respectively.
Is the climate challenge — which would require moving away from conventional use of fossil fuels even as the world's energy appetite grows threefold or more in the next few decades — fundamentally a bad fit for Washington?
Their conventional use of power in the elite culture can provide the theme for a different story for a different day.
(37) In the conventional use of the adjective as the modifier of a noun, the carefully selected adjective can strengthen (or reduce) the world view called forth by the noun, as is «The Lord is a very great God, a God above all gods.»
Given these considered assumptions, readers should not be surprised when in these pages they come across articles and arguments that are not ostensibly «religious» in the conventional use of the term.
Surveying the literature on tDCS human trials, Bikson and colleagues reported this fall that conventional use has caused no serious adverse effects across more than 33,200 sessions, as well as 1,000 subjects with repeated sessions.
The stem cells, derived from human umbilical cord - blood and coaxed into an embryonic - like state, were grown without the conventional use of viruses, which can mutate genes and initiate cancers, according to the scientists.
Because borax is not readily inhaled or absorbed through intact skin, it is difficult to see how even a few milligrams daily could get into the body with the conventional use.
Once a vehicle receives the certified seal of approval, they then come paired with benefits unlike anything that comes with a conventional used car.
Also, with MeeGo in the scene, anyone who'd like to put the tablet to more conventional uses won't have anything to complain considering the almost endless opportunities that the OS can present with.
While the Switch's portable mode compliments Mario Odyssey's addictive and bite - sized nature extremely well, it also removes its conventional use of motion controls, locking additional control options that provide significant alleviation.
Leaping from medium to medium, subverting the conventional uses of materials, and expanding the artwork to a wall - to - wall environment, Evans recasts the identity of a painting as an immersive installation that alters the architecture of a space and engages the viewer through the infinite happenings of a work.
She creates conceptual objects that often question and re-contextualize their original materials and conventional use, often blurring the line between genres, or seeking to push the technical boundaries and expectations of a particular medium.
She creates objects which refer to devices we might actually use but they turn out to be disconnected from their actual domestic and conventional use.
At the same time, the northern school of landscape art, established by Jing Hao (c.870 - 925) and his pupil Guan Tong (flourished c.907 - 23), concentrated on traditional painting with its formal attributes, attention to detail and conventional use of colour.
At the gallery, she works closely with her artists, encouraging them to depart from their conventional use of materials and to experiment without abandoning their personal aesthetic.
The House in the summer of 2009 passed a bill outlining a cap - and - trade system that could, over the next few decades, lead to an early end to conventional use of coal and oil, fuels that have underpinned prosperity and growth for more than a century.
P.S. — Note that I said «conventional use» of fossil fuels.
In theory, change can come through a mix of a) increasing public will to shift behavior and priorities for the sake of cutting a long - term risk and b) lowering the cost difference between non-polluting energy choices and conventional use of fossil fuels.
The company: AirDye, a fabric dyeing firm that uses 88 - 95 % less water in its printing process than the conventional
In addition to getting over an address shortage for conventional use, it provides enough addresses for the internet of things, where, for example, your house and everything in it (appliances, furnace, lights,...) can each have its own unique address.
Samsung incorporated a fun Live Message feature, improved Screen off memo capabilities and enhanced Translate functionality, so that consumers can go beyond the conventional uses of the stylus.
There are wearable, as well as professional and office items for personal and group / conventional use, including «targeted parent» items.
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