Sentences with phrase «conversation about difficult»

When I attempt conversation about difficult issues they invariably turn to gridlock.
Sometimes starting a conversation about difficult topics is easier when you are engaged in a shared activity.
Even aside from the reams of evidence in the Striptease documents, Heartland has a long history of mining money from questionable corporate funders and then representing itself as a (taxpayer subsidized) «think tank» - as if its some kind of educational organization contributing to the public conversation about difficult issues.
Educators should encourage conversations about difficult or controversial issues, and should do so regularly throughout the year.
As communities across Canada become increasingly diverse, educators are asking for tools to promote empathy, respect, and create a safe classroom environment that encourages conversations about difficult issues.
Librarians and teachers will find this book to be a powerful springboard for conversations about difficult topics.
She reported that «The series has inspired collegial and professional conversations about difficult topics.»
Know how to have conversations about difficult topics, while staying connected throughout the process
A prenuptial agreement forces a couple to have conversations about difficult subjects like finances, death, and honesty before they take the leap.

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This makes it difficult to have conversations about it, or even let people know that you are dealing with intense pain that they might not understand.
It started a conversation about how to avoid fraud in China, and a larger conversation about manufacturing, and then sourcing — how easy it was, how difficult it was.
David Schwabauer, a fourth - generation farmer in the county, said overtures by companies that want to drill new wells amid his avocado and lemon groves are prompting difficult conversations about how to manage the family farm.
Not only did the post end up getting syndicated by multiple outlets, but it also sparked many subsequent online conversations about how to deal with difficult personalities in the workplace, particularly clients or customers who are vital to the stability of your business.
It's also connected me to people in a variety of professions who are committed to having difficult discussions about race, conversations that are essential if our society is going to reach its full, inclusive potential.
«This moment calls for compassionate people from across the political spectrum to have a difficult and honest conversation about comprehensive immigration reform.»
But it may be more difficult for tech firms to justify scanning conversations in other situations, said Ryan Calo, a University of Washington law professor who writes about tech.
They met every few weeks in a rough Silicon Valley neighborhood the year that Ms. Castro was applying to college, and they e-mailed often, bonding over conversations about Ms. Castro's difficult childhood.
«A difficult conversation tends to go best when you think about it as a just a normal conversation,» says Weeks.
People (on both sides) are so busy screaming at each other that rational conversation and discussion about this very difficult scenario keeps getting pushed to the side.
From the Valley to DC, everyone will be talking in 2016 about whether or not the airspace should be regulated for hobbyists and commercial drone pilots, which will prompt difficult conversations between technologists, researchers, drone manufacturers, businesses and the aviation industry, since each has an economic stake in the future of unmanned vehicles.
It can be difficult to have honest, vulnerable conversations about sex, even when for married couples, but that just makes them all the more vital.
Let's face it: We are unlikely to find a single party that truly represents a «culture of life,» and abortion will probably never be made illegal, so we'll have to go about it the old fashioned way, working through the diverse channels of the Kingdom to adopt and support responsible adoption, welcome single moms into our homes and churches, reach out to the lonely and disenfranchised, address the socioeconomic issues involved, and engage in some difficult conversations about the many factors that contribute to the abortion rate in this country, (especially birth control).
When white conservative Christians obsess over their own perceived oppression, it becomes incredibly difficult to engage in important conversations about religious, racial, and gender privilege that are necessary for creating a more just society.
«I was not just having difficult conversations with students, but other teachers and administrators also emailed me to tell me I shouldn't be talking about white privilege,» Taylor said.
Today, you can't even invite the neighbor over for Sunday football and pizza without expecting difficult conversations about politics and race to be forced upon you.
Many of the wounds have since been healed, but Rev Malcolm Duncan, the chair of Spring Harvest's planning group, says that this year's Spring Harvest theme is about more than making superficial statements: «Unity can be robust, it can involve difficult conversations and direct confrontations.
It is difficult to have resonable conversations if we aren't talking about the same things.
especially this time of year when finding things to cheer about are more difficult than having a conversation with Rick Rosner after 20 beers.
My OB / GYN and I have had several conversations about what my odds are for having a healthy pregnancy on my own and to use his words, if I became pregnant, «we would need to have a very difficult conversation
When I have talked to Laurel about difficult things this year I have shared at each turn why the conversation is important to me, and sometimes that has meant sharing when I have fallen down or made big mistakes.
But by restricting the conversation only to mothers and / or by failing to clearly and directly address fathers about what's happening, so they might provide much - needed, well - informed support at such a difficult time — aren't we missing an opportunity to ease an intolerable burden of responsibility for women?
Patton replies, «Well, obviously any discussion about sex is a little bit difficult, it's a topic that requires delicacy and sensitivity... but first of all were talking about nothing but rape on campus for the last several months... But what makes this conversation so particularly crippling is the definition of rape.
If you are a parent who doesn't often worry about putting food on the table or having a warm place for your child to go to sleep, wrapping your arms around this conversation may be quite difficult.
Sometimes they want to avoid having a difficult conversation about their marital blahs for fear of hurting their spouse.
It is sometimes difficult to talk about the risks associated with procedures like C - sections without fueling the flames of the so - called «mommy wars,» but the conversation remains a necessary one, because evidence - based maternity care saves lives.
Having an open conversation about sex also enables teens and kids come up to their parents and speak about difficult or dangerous things they may be experiencing either related to the opposite gender or any other similar matter.
At times, I had a difficult time carrying on a conversation with my friends and coworkers because one second I'd have something ready to say and the next I couldn't even remember what we were talking about.
At age 5, she and I had many difficult and tearful conversations about our dog's death two years earlier.
At this time, directly translating research findings to the delivery room is difficult, but I hope that this post will stimulate thought and conversations about the silent, invisible, yet important third member of human birth and life.
After my post «To spank, or not to spank» was published on APtly Said, my friend Ingrid and I had a conversation about the challenges of raising kids and how difficult it is at times to discipline them in a positive way — moreover, how hard it is to keep our composure, especially when we are distressed with other matters in our lives.
What conversations will I have with her about this difficult time in my life?
I think right now we can get away with not asking these hard questions because enough people on earth still live in relative poverty and are not creating the waste that we as a country create, but when that changes (and it will), or when we have created so much waste ourselves as to arrive at that critical tipping point, we will need to have difficult conversations about these things.
Most kids always find it difficult to open up to people about things that are bothering them hence to make them open up, it is important to make a habit of having daily conversations with your kid.
«Talking about substance abuse and the disease of addiction can be a difficult conversation, but it can be a life - saving one,» Cuomo said.
Those conversations have not produced a resolution that is satisfactory for the state and are made difficult by the lack of certainty about the future of casinos in New York.
The passage of this law is in alignment with our mission and will help us start a conversation with community members about the ramifications of underage drinking and provide ideas and strategies for parents as they are faced with difficult situations,» said Andrea J. Wanat, MA, CPP, Executive Director for the Erie County Council for the Prevention of Alcohol and Substance Abuse.
But a repatriation of Ukip voters to the Tories (especially if it turns out that ex-Labour voters actually proved more loyal to Farage) will provoke a very difficult conversation about future directions in policy on Europe and immigration.
While some lawmakers have leveled criticism toward ESD because of the funds spent promoting START - UP, the real problem it poses is the distraction it causes from conversation about the actual culprits behind New York's difficult business climate.
Some of my most difficult, unproductive conversations about veganism have happened over a meal where someone is eating meat.
More times than I can remember, I have had conversations with fellow yoga teachers like you about how much they love teaching, but how difficult it is to make ends meet.
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