Sentences with phrase «conversation around birth»

It's the mindset and energy that shifts the conversation around birth.

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He enjoys the attention and doesn't flinch away from conversation, which I believe is because he didn't get what he has by birth or by sitting around — he trained until he grew his arms to an impressive 20 inches, his chest to 50 and his waist to 35.
Some other very important actions to take are reducing the amount of scented candles, air fresheners, and fragrances in cleaners, never heating up foods in plastic containers or placing hot foods in them, not using weed killers or insecticides in or around your home, avoiding dark hair dye, and having a very serious conversation with your doctor about any hormonal type of birth control.
Sam reached out to us via email a few months ago, thanking us for doing the show and spreading the empowering conversation around home birth.
We would just like to see more positive energy around conversations of pregnancy and birth, regardless of what phase of it someone is in.
With the kind of conversations we have on this show and the energy and education we seek to create around home birth - of course we want to reduce the number of any traumatic births.
The Lost Daughters share stories from adoptees and birth parents in an effort to round - out the adoption conversations that occur around the web and in every home.
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