Sentences with phrase «conversation around this topic»

We constantly seek to highlight and engage in conversation around this topic to further innovation and spark ideas.
Teach students how to manage a conversation: It's a beautiful thing to witness students running thoughtful conversations around topics that combine curriculum and real - world connections.
We lead interior designers in shared conversations around topics that matter: from evidence - based and human centric design to social responsibility, well - being, and sustainability.
Big Think Edge helps organizations by catalyzing conversation around the topics most critical to 21st century business success.
Big Think Edge helps organizations by catalyzing conversation around the topics most critical to 21st century business success.
We've also had thought - provoking conversations around topics of responsible online communication, parental controls and much more with organizations like National PTA and Blue Star Families, where we heard firsthand how parents and caregivers approach raising children in today's digitally connected world.
They have emphasized on the thought - provoking conversations around topics of responsible online communication, parental controls and many more with organizations like National PTA and Blue Star Families, where they listen to the parents and the caregivers about how they raise children in today's virtual world
Using the resources from CAR and modeling how to use those resources was powerful and allowed teams to engage in deep conversations around the topic and the usage of tools.
That said, I can't» say that I've been as conscious because I've been guilty of going the route of what's better for my wallet than what's better environmentally and socially, though with your articles and more conversation around the topic, I've been giving it more thought than before.
Consider using the general class discussion board or threaded discussions with your online classes to elicit deeper student conversations around topics; this is a natural extension from learners» use of social media platforms.
Given the complex needs and challenges that Lampron's students face, it's a huge and important question to tackle — and it's led to a core team of teachers, district staff, support staff, and administrators engaging in conversations around topics such as discipline policies, classroom management, staff roles, forming relationships with students, and shifting school culture to understand the impact of trauma.
«Given O'Reilly's commitment to the Open Web, we are honored to be hosting this inaugural workshop, and truly excited about the wonderful opportunities presented for participants of both events to network, exchange ideas, and further conversations around the topics each are exploring,» Meyer wrote in a blog post, adding to GoodeReader that «We've got quite a few really cool things happening.
The checklist is intended to be used by governments to guide national conversations around the topic of NDC implementation, moving from planning to action.
I hope by hosting this evidence here, parents will somehow try to comprehend what this letter represents, and hopefully start to comment and introduce conversation around this topic, too taboo for most to talk about quite yet.
Big Think Edge helps organizations by catalyzing conversation around the topics most critical to 21st century business success.
The fact that that doesn't even enter the conversation tells you something about what's wrong with the conversation around these topics.
The conversation around this topic reminds me a lot of the arguments in the 90's about whether putting computers on the desk of every worker increased or decreased productivity.
For example, if you know that a client has downloaded a home staging white paper on your website, you can frame the conversation around that topic.
It should take you no more than three hours a month to expertly create a conversation around these topics.
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