Sentences with phrase «conversational manner»

"Conversational manner" means communicating in a friendly and informal way, as if having a casual conversation with someone. Full definition
The best way is to write your bio in a loose conversational manner without trying to make yourself a perfect man.
You should use a casual conversational manner when writing, making it funny when it is appropriate.
Keep them top of mind and write to them in the same conversational manner you would use if you were speaking to them.
When they came back in a totally conversational manner that I had made their day, I added that sometimes instead of the frying pan, I use the toaster oven.
We share our thoughts and impressions on the game in a casual and conversational manner without taking ourselves too seriously.
While a clinician may find it difficult to parse whether a patient's stilted conversational manner is rooted in a lack of emotional connection or problems forming words, a brain scan in Belger's study made it clear, for example, that particular symptoms were more closely associated with disruption in the brain's emotional processing areas, whereas other symptoms were more closely associated with regions responsible for language and motor control.
However, this results in having the bombastic score toned down dramatically, with many of the numbers presented in a benign talk - sing conversational manner similar to how Rex Harrison performed his numbers in «My Fair Lady.»
«It all started with that Gerhard Richter project,» says the Baltimore - born, Denver - raised and Seattle - based guitarist, whose halting and uncertain conversational manner reflects the thoughtful nature, though not the boldness, of his music.
«She is very unstuffy, collaborative, flexible and a delight to work with, and she has a very engaging conversational manner in court which many judges respond well to.»
And then his counsel Don Bayne opened the doors for us and laid the groundwork for the remarkable and courageous basic lessons communicated by Justice Charles Vaillancourt in his calm conversational manner.
Here, you can basically query information like you would from the Google app, but your results will be returned in a more conversational manner.
We share our thoughts and impressions on the game in a casual and conversational manner without taking...
Indeed, the marketing collateral surrounding Thinx, Icon and Tushy is aggressively — and, to those outside the demographic, a bit bafflingly — casual, addressing sensitive subjects like bloodstains and urinary leakage in the conversational manner a young urbanite might text a girlfriend about a great new restaurant.
Now, people who own an Amazon Echo can use Alexa to call Dr. AI and present their symptoms in a conversational manner.
The Club would prefer to build a broader and more gradated aristocracy, and one built upon the readily understandable excellences of dancing ability, attractiveness, fashion sense, conversational manner, etc..
As Jeremy stated, I pray to my heavenly Father in a conversational manner, unceasingly, throughout the day.
Peter Bogdanovich is a legendary filmmaker whose career began by interviewing filmmakers in a thorough yet conversational manner.
It was written in an easy - to - digest, conversational manner.
However, in a conversational manner and using the technique of two contrasting personalities, Kiyosaki was a good introduction to money and entrepreneurship mindset for me.
We share our thoughts and impressions on the game in a casual and conversational manner...
Johnson's work has continued to evolve by engaging race and class in a frank, sophisticated, and conversational manner.
Do not beat the interviewer over the head with this information, but casually use this information in a conversational manner to answer questions or give examples.
But share them in a conversational manner.
NEW: «This blog contains a wealth of substantive expertise presented in a digestible and conversational manner.
The conversational manner of Assistant also allows you to ask subsequent questions in context to get more information.
It allows you to pick the brain of someone in a relaxed, conversational manner, something that provides you with potentially useful information and the possibility of adding a valuable contact to your network.
Now that you've narrowed down the relevant skills for the position, put yourself in a position to speak to each in a conversational manner.
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