Sentences with phrase «conversational way»

The phrase "conversational way" means speaking or writing in a casual and informal manner that resembles everyday conversation between people. Full definition
AI technology is making it possible for legal professionals to interact in a more natural, conversational way with computer systems.
Christine Borrmann, KIRO7 Producer, says, «We tinkered with the format until Michelle and John just started talking about the news in a very conversational way.
But the real point of Lens is for it to be built into the Assistant, working in real time in a more conversational way, and then after that, in Google Keep and the camera app and who knows what else.
With records from more than 107,000 doctors in its network, Doctor AI analyzes the medical records of users, provides a diagnosis and feedback and shares the information in a conversational way.
Kevin speaks from bullets, elaborating on each in a conversational way.
«It could understand what employees typed, extract the information it needed, and respond in a conversational way,» says co-founder Anant Kale.
Your goal should be to share some personal information about yourself in a conversational way that helps the other person get to know you on a deeper level.
A Conversational Way Forward: Responding to the Exodus of Millennials From Our Churches by Christopher Smith
Not in a predatory manner, but simply in an interested, conversational way.
The Dating Advice Girl Radio Show features a smattering of relationship, sex, and personal empowerment tips delivered in a relatable and conversational way that you can listen to anytime.
Despite Beau Knapp's best efforts to deliver expository dialogue about Nic's relationship with Haley in a conversational way, the opening of «The Signal» feels too much like what it is: a set - up for what's to come.
Other than an SME / prof who can riff on about a subject without a script (which, of course, makes course creation / design more difficult for you), the best people to read your script in a conversational way with passion and engagement are voice actors.
Although teachers will never make up for lost home - life vocabulary development, they can make a huge impact on their students by consistently planting those «word seeds» in a natural, conversational way.
Written by two of the most genuine and passionate educators who are practitioners as well as innovators in the educational technology space, this is a must read for all educators that is written in a fun and conversational way.
It is a simple and short activity that encourages students to communicate in French in a natural and conversational way.
Charts social, cognitive, and physical growth of fourth graders in a conversational way.
If you can do that and if you can find a way to engage your audience in a conversational way, you're automatically spreading the idea of yourself and your novel in a way that's certainly more pleasing.
For the vast majority of wineries who don't get those, though, establishing something that causes people to identify with your wine and with you is important and doing that in a conversational way is kind of a no - brainer these days.
As a team, we've improved productivity because we're able to have multiple people collaborating on a file in a more natural, conversational way
The idea is that Google wants to provide you with a tool that helps you access information in a conversational way.
Alexa responds, informs, and asks questions in a natural and conversational way.
yes, the reader knows that they can email you with any questions, but it's a conversational way to close out the letter and move the reader on to your resume.
is a conversational way of starting the discussion without the teen feeling like you're trying to monitor them,» Lyn said.
And try to approach it in a conversational way.
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