Sentences with phrase «conversion houses»

Unlike other conversion houses — who charge, and charge a healthy amount, for this service as an extra — we automatically include it with our basic pricing package.
Many reader may not realized, most ebooks are done by conversion houses.
Small details may be trivial to large conversion houses who don't know the author personally, but authors have spent months, and in some cases years, to get their manuscripts polished.
Today we own and operate the most advanced fixed layout conversion system that is also used by some of the biggest conversion houses in the world.
It's common for conversion houses to claim that their eBook production process is the best, because it's fully automated... or that their process is best because it is wholly manual.
Banks, hedge funds, governments, retail currency conversion houses, and large net worth individuals are just some of the participants in the spot currency markets where the liquidity is unprecedented.
This doesn't even go into all the other conversion houses and distributors out there that can get your e-book into all the aforementioned stores, and what they may require.
Unlike many self - publishing companies or other eBook conversion houses we care if your book sells.
Without the Kindle there would be no digital revolution and there would be no one making money working digital conversion houses.
Amazon doesn't endorse or recommend any one company over the other, and all promotional copy is credited to the respective professional conversion house.
During an open Beta period over the last two months FlightDeck has been used extensively across the publishing industry, including individual authors, small and large publishers, freelance eBook developers, and large overseas conversion houses.
But despite the efforts of the CBL and others — including Brazilian - Italian e-book conversion house Simplissimo, who are pouring a lot of effort into educating publishers about e-books — growth in the number of available titles remains achingly slow.
Handled by some of the best conversion houses and design teams in the industry, eBOUND clients enjoy exclusive rates that ensure the best product for the best price.
 In Europe, publishers and conversion houses discovered EPUB's code interoperability is a nightmare.
When you work with an independent conversion house such as Authorlink Publishing Services, rather than relying on Amazon tools, errors can be minimized, and the process can prove less stressful.
They, along with Clean Tech, a Southern California alt fuels conversion house, announced the creation of E-Drive Systems, a new joint venture to manufacture and market a retrofit kit to convert the newest generation of Priuses to run faster and further on electric power provided by $ 15,000 worth of Valence Saphion (tm) lithium ion batteries.
A generous - sized loft conversion houses a double bed, armchair and bedside table.
SOLUTION: The solution to smooth file preparation is to bypass Amazon's proprietary tools and use a professional conversion house to produce error - free files and provide help with the upload process.
If you have ever done QA or clean up on ePUB files produced by a conversion house, you know that they often come with a bloated CSS file full of styles that are not used in the ePUB.
If you have a large number of backlist titles to convert from PDF, I would suggest finding a conversion house to help.
To make a PDF into a reflowable ebook, publishers usually use a conversion house.
Adobe is working to add features and tromp less on people's under the hood efforts, but when it comes to economies of scale, I highly doubt that conversion houses will do away with their custom built scripts and purpose built tools to the Indesign route.
Many of the conversion houses use people in India or China, or sometimes more exotic places like Sierra Leone or Madagascar or the Philippines.
The format is intended as a single format that publishers and conversion houses can use in - house, as well as for distribution and sale.
Some book designers, indie publishers and conversion houses are warning we would struggle soon for a while but the IDPF has nothing to say on this particular subject. Allow me to explain.Â
The format is meant to function as a single format that publishers and conversion houses can use in - house, as well as for distribution and sale.
This myth is believed and repeated by everyone from major publishers to eBook conversion houses to self - publishing information sources.
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