Sentences with phrase «converting electrical energy»

That avoids the power loss from converting electrical energy to chemical, then back.
The researchers discovered the high - tech material can act as a microphone (by capturing the vibrations from sound, or mechanical energy, and converting it to electrical energy) as well as a loudspeaker (by operating the opposite way: converting electrical energy to mechanical energy).
The new process, which the researchers have called «acoustowetting,» works on a chip made of lithium niobate — a piezoelectric material capable of converting electrical energy into mechanical pressure.
Using transducers, uBeam's device, which is not yet on the market, converts electrical energy into ultrasound waves and then back into electrical energy.
Conventional systems simply send the braking electric power to resistors on the train, which convert the electrical energy to heat, which is then released into the air.
The American instrument is an acoustic transducer, which converts electrical energy into sound waves.
The mission of the Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis is to develop a comprehensive understanding of molecular electrocatalysts that efficiently convert electrical energy into chemical bonds in fuels, or the reverse, convert chemical energy from fuels into electrical energy.
Operators can convert electrical energy into stored chemical energy in hydrogen by using electricity for electrolysis, which splits water into oxygen and hydrogen.

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Hydrostor's technology converts surplus electrical energy to underwater compressed air and stores it for use at peak times.
Standard x-ray systems have one detector containing individual elements called diodes, which convert the level of detected x-ray energy into an electrical signal that's sent back to the machine's on - board computer.
The inner ear is lined with approximately 30,000 sensitive hair cells that convert sound energy into electrical signals that travel to the brain.
This is the necessary time, for the quantum chamber absorbs solar energy and start a quantum generation process, which is simply converted to electrical energy on demand.
This mechanical energy could would then be converted back to electrical energy when the train is ready to leave the station again.
A typical solar cell has a silicon semiconductor that absorbs sunlight directly and converts it into electrical energy.
«If we are able to convert light, which is electromagnetic energy, into motion, or convert motion into electrical energy, then we have the potential to make molecular devices much smaller,» he said.
In some cases, special atomic arrangements enable them to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
But solar panels use photodiodes, too, converting light energy into electrical energy.
Researchers have tried for decades to harvest some of this lost energy and convert it into electrical power.
The team's newly designed flexible piezoelectric nanogenerator directly stimulated a living rat's heart using electrical energy converted from the small body movements of the rat.
The hydrogen can then be converted into electrical energy for inflight use.
Using a resistor to convert electrical charge to alternating current, Krupenkin was able to harvest electrical energy from drops of either mercury or galinstan, a gallium - based alloy as they were moved along these channels and over the electrodes.
The generator converts the mechanical energy generated by the blades into usable electrical power.
Under working conditions the hydrogel - modified fuel cell is able to convert chemical energy from hydrogen into electrical energy over several weeks, while in absence of the hydrogel, the hydrogenase is deactivated within seconds.
Another student conceived the idea of a flooring material that would convert kinetic energy from rowdy football fans in the stands of the University of Maryland's stadium into electrical energy to power the lights on the field.
«For a photovoltaic material, obviously absorbing light is the first part and converting that solar energy into electrical energy is the second part,» said Ames Laboratory scientist Emily Smith.
That process worked with a finger swipe or a light pressing motion to activate the devices — converting mechanical energy to electrical energy.
Wind farms, on the other hand, are examples of wind turbines that convert wind energy into electrical energy.
In his search for solar cells, dubbed the Clean Energy Project, Aspuru - Guzik is screening molecules for a host of properties involved in converting sunlight into electrical eEnergy Project, Aspuru - Guzik is screening molecules for a host of properties involved in converting sunlight into electrical energyenergy.
Instead of wind, tidal flows turn the turbine, converting the kinetic energy of moving seawater into electrical energy.
The pixels converted the light into electrical energy which activated neurons within the retina.
Baughman and his colleagues have been developing substances that serve as artificial muscles (by converting chemical energy into electrical energy) that may someday be able to move prosthetic limbs and robot parts.
Fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy using hydrogen and oxygen — with water as the only product.
Many farmshave already developed methods of converting the billions of tons of animal waste produced each year intomethane for electrical and heat energy; beginning in March, 1,200 households inCalifornia will be powered by cow manure.
The company claims that its design can convert more than 2 per cent of the applied electrical energy into light — more than double the 0.8 per cent reported by Akasaki.
Their work has implications for the development of novel electronic devices, such as photo sensors that convert light into electrical energy.
«We confirmed that if the mechanical energy is entirely converted into electrical energy, the energy generated by the daily motion of an arm can sufficiently cover the energy consumption of a smart watch and even the stand - by energy consumption of a smart phone.»
«When needed, the battery can be discharged so that the stored chemical energy is effectively converted to electrical power.»
The team used the key properties of zinc oxide, a material that when squashed or stretched creates a voltage by converting energy from motion into electrical energy, in the form of nanorods.
They note that the ammonia liquid stream can convert the thermal energy to electrical energy in the battery.
As the pack bounces, it periodically runs a toothed rack across a gear attached to small generator on the fixed frame (see picture), thus converting the mechanical energy of walking into electrical energy.
Now, researchers have found a way to harness this property to create tubular structures of diphenylalanine that have the ability to convert thermal energy into electrical energy, also called a pyroelectric effect.
Solar cells work by directly converting the sun's rays into electrical energy.
The researchers were surprised to find that the removal of Onecut1 also had an impact on photoreceptor cells, the rods and cones that absorb light in the retina and convert that energy to an electrical impulse eventually conveyed to the brain.
This flexibility enables the hydrogen in materials to be readily converted between different forms — a property that can be exploited to store electrical energy as chemical energy to be released later when needed.
Thermoelectric materials can convert heat energy into an electrical signal or use electrical energy to cool a material.
At the same time, catalysts convert excess electrical energy produced via renewable energy resources, such as solar and wind, into chemical energy, making it easy to store the energy for future use.
The project, which invites an investigation of solar and alternative energy, uses a small and inexpensive robotic bug to let students see, hands - on, how a solar panel works to convert certain kinds of light energy to electrical energy.
At electrical breakdown, the energies in the surging electrons were thousands of times greater than 10 — 19 MeV, so during the flood, bremsstrahlung radiation released a sea of neutrons throughout the crust.83 Subterranean water absorbed many of these neutrons, converting normal hydrogen (1H) into heavy hydrogen (2H, called deuterium) and normal oxygen (16O) into 18O.
This study, which appears in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, answers important questions about how the chemical energy in the hydrogen would be converted into electrical energy.
Mountain Rose Herbs is proud to have converted to 100 % renewable energy by transferring its conventional electrical power usage to renewable energy sources, credits, and development.
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