Sentences with phrase «converting person»

But if he or she is a qualified lead, the chat has multiplied your odds of converting the person into a potential client.
The number of reviews and stars you get on your book don't affect your search ranking directly but are extremely important for converting people into buyers.
This rate tells us how efficient you are in converting people from mere visitors to customers.
Excellent schools might convert people from their racism, and they will realize that they can live in a diverse, integrated society.
Faith Seed is responsible for converting people over to their twisted ideology and keeping them in a drug - induced state of bliss.
Trying to convert people just like all the other worlds religions.
The idea is for those notifications to help convert people into buyers.
Remember, practicing faith at work doesn't mean converting people.
Wow... «taking lots of your pastors»... you're really passionate about converting people to your atheist religion.
You certainly convert people to your twisted little hate cause when you are unable to write a correct sentence.
It didn't necessarily convert people [laughs] when people got back there, but those days are gone.
A targeted site may not yield you more visitors, but you'll be much more likely to convert those people who respond to you.
He is not interested in converting a person to one particular religious viewpoint.
It's the same premise for anything that you want to try and convert people over.
This does not mean imposing from above or converting persons into instruments but the recognition that education is releasing of instinct plus encounter.
I'm not trying to convert people just discuss it with them.
They are urging everyone who supports legalized racism to share in the hospitality and generosity of God — one who converts people by the powers of hospitality.
Wenger is soo good at converting people that he converted himself from an invincible to specialist in failure how worse can a coach be??
What's not being as widely reported is that while CASL takes effect on July 1, businesses actually have a three - year grace period to convert people on their lists from implied consent to express consent.
Christ, as time has many different names from many different cultures and the christians forcibly converted people to stop them from celebrating THEIR OWN religious holidays that fell at the same time of years millenia ago.
Extra points for converting people like us whom they see as potential progidical sons.
@Megatron — you said, «Theyr» e converting people, they're not there solely to heal the sick.
«Months ago, I was an atheist trying to convert people out of the faith,» Adrian says.
The problem is, when converting people to a high - fiber, GreenSmoothieGirl diet, some...
To criticize atheists for simply suggesting alternative ways of thinking is not the same as converting people into your religion or waging wars under the name of your God (who differs obviously depending on which religion you adhere to).
But now that I'm no longer obsessed with converting people to Christianity, I've found that talking about Jesus is much easier and far more compelling.
It could look like truly converted people who manifest their faith in the their daily lives....
You don't convert people through peolitics nor can you legislate good behavior (morality).
A straight linear multiplier was once used to convert people years into cat years, but that is no longer the case.
They think they have to change themselves and convert people so God will love them more.
Corbin reports to Clarke to help to convert people online into buyers.
does this mean if Ranger Kristoffer Demanij who was killed in Afghanistan last week on his FOURTEENTH tour, he would still be alive if he had been a Mormon and chose to serve a two - year mission converting people to LDS instead?
They added that they are concerned with the lack of healthcare available to the men as well as the worry that this is not an isolated incident: «We are aware of several other reported cases in which members of the Christian minority have received heavy sentences after being charged with «threatening national security», either for converting people or for attending house churches,» they said.
Please for the love of whatever God you believe in stop playing victim like CNN is out to get your religion and convert people away, you just sound like a lunatic waiving a book.
The gospel converts people to convert the world into God's sovereignty.
International Christian Concern says the group of extremist Hindus surrounded their vehicle and claimed the Christians were attempting to forcefully convert people to Christianity by singing Christmas carols.
But Christ also converts persons within their culture, through their faith and by turning away from sin and pride.
One could ask whether in this fashion we have not been led back again, in the last analysis, to the Greek doctrine of immortality, whether the New Testament does not assume, for the time after Easter, a continuity of the «inner Man» of converted people before and after death, so that here, too, death is presented for all practical purposes only as a natural «transition».
With your help, I am slowly converting people to loving vegan food
Also among the supermarket crowd is a religious fanatic, Mrs. Carmody, who begins converting people to the idea that Satan is punishing them for their infidelity.
Since I got my 8900 iv converted people to team BlackBerry.
When she's not working she's probably running around converting people to the religion of Harry Potter.
Based on an old article from the National Law Journal, lawyers also count on being able to convert PPLS clients to regular, higher - margin clients.
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