Sentences with phrase «convey deeper truth»

The title has also proved highly provocative, for while the writers are using the word «myth» in its various technical senses of something that conveys a deep truth in a nonhistoric form, this word means in everyday speech something that is not true in any sense.
I regard a Christology as modern if it uses every relevant insight of modern knowledge to differentiate the historical element in its interpretation of the event Jesus Christ from the mythological, and remembers that the actual event comprises only history and the ontological reality of God's presence and action within that history — whilst the mythology expresses that reality in ways which may indeed convey deep truth, yet have in themselves the status not of ontological reality but of poetry.

Not exact matches

The collages, never more than a few inches on a side, taught Mr. Katz very important lessons about scale, deep space, abbreviation of form and the need to distort color to convey the truth of light.
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