Sentences with phrase «convicted of dogfighting»

Defendants convicted of dogfighting could be sentenced to up to two years in jail.

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Those convicted of felonies in cases involving torture, mutilation, intentional killing, dogfighting, neglect and hoarding would be listed on state registries under the proposal, announced yesterday in an Animal Legal Defense Fund press release.
Meanwhile, the operators of three California «no - kill» rescue networks were convicted of running dogfighting rings soon after the Hayden Act passed.
While penalties would remain the same for people who own or train fighting dogs, or host dog fights, those who finance and organize them would face five to 10 years in prison, or even twice that if the organizer was convicted of a violent offense or gun crime in connection with dogfighting.
The failure of the Hayden Act to incorporate standards for nonprofits receiving animals was exposed soon after it passed, but before it took effect, when the operators of three California «no - kill» rescue networks were convicted of involvement in dogfighting.
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