Sentences with phrase «convinced of the accuracy»

It takes a complete denial of reality to convince yourself of the accuracy of that thought, George.
He wasn't convinced of the accuracy of his son's prediction, but followed his advice.
As Lugli read and reread the autopsy, he became increasingly convinced of its accuracy — and then hit on how to confirm it.

Not exact matches

«Even though the signals were weak, the model was convinced,» said Shallue of the software's confidence in its accuracy.
Wright represents the pole which claims that historical accuracy about Jesus can be grasped only through the premises of faith and theology; Borg, at the other end, is convinced that historical testimony is valid only insofar as it can be cleansed of distorting confessions of post «Easter faith.
I have grown quite convinced of the substantial accuracy of their writing, but I can not help sensing, beyond what was written, an actual awe - inspiring event, whose full implications we are only now beginning to understand.
The researchers said that their method of attaining fusion in a vacuum chamber can be replicated with «100 per cent accuracy», but the reports have failed to convince the sceptics.
One example of this is the «motivated rejection of science»; if you are personally convinced that global warming is a hoax, you are likely to reject any scientific information to the contrary — regardless of its accuracy.
These analyses provide evidence that FAST ™ reading measures meet or exceed standards for classification accuracy at the «convincing evidence» level (62 %) or «partially convincing evidence» level (32 %) for an overall outcome that included 95 % of the individual comparisons across grades and states.
People convinced as to the accuracy of AO - GCM (Atmosphere Ocean General Circulation Model) simulations may believe that these provide acceptable estimates of S, but even the IPCC does not deny the importance of observational evidence.
This makes me a little annoyed for a book of this dimension, it has all the content needed to convince most people of the accuracy of the corruption revealed here, but it does not provide the reader with sufficient backbone to blow the whistle loud enough that most people will endorse the whole scam of Human Related Climate Change.
If you believe the results of an unknown model run in an unknown manner with an unknown accuracy and no error estimates, then more fool you... but you can't convince me that is science.
I also feel that climate change is progressing faster than the accuracy of our 21st century climate projections and that recent observations have done at least as much as our modelling activities in convincing people (including many scientists) of the human influence on climate.
If BEST convinces the self - proclaimed «skeptics» to stop denying the accuracy of the surface temperature record, that will be a small step in the right direction.
L. Rev. 269 (1944), at page 286: «The party seeking judicial notice has the burden of convincing the judge that (a) the matter is so notorious as not to be the subject of dispute among reasonable men or (b) the matter is capable of immediate accurate demonstration by resort to readily accessible sources of indisputable accuracy
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