Sentences with phrase «convincing evidence for»

Studies in animal models have found convincing evidence for the critical impact of early emotional experiences.
The main argument I see is one you didn't mention explicitly — that past temperature changes haven't led to corresponding CO2 changes (unless there's something badly wrong with CO2 proxies, which I've seen no convincing evidence for).
I am also skeptical of the impact idea, but that's because (like you) I have not seen any convincing evidence for a mechanism on how it produces a YD - like climate change.
@ProfBrianCox Perhaps you could share the most convincing evidence for AGW that you've seen?
Now provide some convincing evidence for your theory, Bart.
That is convincing evidence for me that the GISS U.S. adjustment for UHI does something that NOAA doesn't.
Jenkins / MetO: would you agree that there is no convincing evidence for kilimanjaro glacier melt being due to recent warming (let alone man - made warming)?
On the other hand, no convincing evidence for such effect was found in conifer tree ring records from the Sierra Nevada in California (Graumlich (1991) or the Rocky Mountains in Colorado (Kienast and Luxmoore 1988).
«The paper on «seepage» by Lewandowsky et al provides sobering and convincing evidence for how climate change denial affects the scientific community — this should make every climate scientist pause and think.
«Is there convincing evidence for AGW?»
Dude, there is zero convincing evidence for a low sensitivity.
V: The most convincing evidence for the validity of Booker's argument can be found right here on this blog, where the vast majority of responses to ANYTHING posted by ANYONE expressing skepticism of the mainstream view is dismissed with insults and ad hominem attacks, in perfect accordance with the «group think» paradigm.
Because no one has actually reported them there or even provided any convincing evidence for what the sources of methane are.
«or even provided any convincing evidence for what the sources of methane are» I'm not aware of any real debate.
Matt Chingos, a senior fellow at the Urban Institute who has studied the phenomenon said he hasn't found convincing evidence for any of the explanations: «The disappointing answer is we don't know.»
That's convincing evidence for those who want to limit the tenure of non-performing teachers while giving the excellent ones their just reward.
While the lack of chlorophyll in OpenSource diets provides convincing evidence for their use for in vivo imaging studies, the very nature of OpenSource purified diets argues for their use in all lab animal research.
We find no convincing evidence for sinusoidal TTVs with a semi-amplitude of more than $ \ sim $ 35 s and $ \ sim $ 25 s in the WASP - 12b and Qatar - 1b systems, respectively.
Convincing evidence for the role of NGF in the formation of neural circuits in the sympathetic nervous system has come from both animal and test - tube experiments.
This metaphor implies a link between moral disgust and more primitive forms of disgust related to toxicity and disease, yet convincing evidence for this relationship is still lacking.
The most convincing evidence for this, says Jouzel, comes from isotope ratios; ice that has frozen in site has a higher proportion of water molecules containing the heavy form of oxygen, oxygen - 18, than that of ice that has been transported over long distances by weather systems.
In a class of superfluids, we produced very convincing evidence for the direction of this kind of flow, which would otherwise be very hard to obtain.»
Over the past 20 years, astronomers notched up convincing evidence for just one black hole.
Convincing evidence for that came in 1979 from a team at the Hutch led by E. Donnall Thomas, who later won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his pioneering work.
Astronomer Pavel Kroupa of the University of Bonn in Germany says the new work provides convincing evidence for a varying initial mass function.
«Crucially, our findings now show that there is no convincing evidence for this claim.
However, original clinical studies on pinaverium are scarce and there has been no convincing evidence for its effectiveness and safety.
«It is tempting to look at the correlation in time and think the gull - inflicted wounds must be a contributing factor to calf deaths, but despite a lot of work we still don't have convincing evidence for any plausible mechanism,» says Dr. Marón.
There have been a number of hypotheses suggested to explain queen bee's multiple mates, but there has been no convincing evidence for an adaptive value, says Robert Page, an entomologist at Arizona State University.
Finding convincing evidence for extraterrestrial life may take decades, but that is not a long time given the stakes.
When I see convincing evidence for it, I will change my mind.
Science can not explain the existence of the moral law within every person, which is the most convincing evidence for faith.
See the diffidence concerning the ability of modern knowledge of nature to be convincing evidence for God referred to in our review of Paul Haffner's quality book and our Cutting Edge column, as well its presence on our Letters» page.
The claim is like claiming that the most convincing evidence for [magic agency] is the unreasonable fun in computer games.
It still seems the most convincing evidence for God is the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics.
Let me give you a little of what I consider to be very convincing evidence for the existence of God.
It needs to be emphasised that there is convincing evidence for God in nature (Romans 1:19).
I knew that it was something I could test and prove (or at least provide convincing evidence for) one way or the other.

Not exact matches

Taken together, all this evidence is probably enough to convince even the busiest among us of the value of making time for lifelong learning.
A successful negotiation for Trump will be convincing evidence that the U.S. trade deficit will narrow.
Look for the business plan to cite specific evidence to convince you that the franchise's sttrategy is likely to both reach and attract customers.
Many companies begin content marketing with a pilot program, testing the waters and gathering evidence to convince stakeholders of its potential for success.
The most convincing evidence about presidential election years for Evans is that in 18 of the last 22, the S&P 500 indexhas had a positive return for the year and has posted an average return of 11 percent in those years.
@Dee — if you want to convince us that Scientific Creationism is a plausible alternative, then YOU need to provide evidence or research for it.
I said it to hotair already, but I will expand it a bit for you: what is evidence for some is not accepted by everyone; just as in a court case, some jurors are convinced with very little evidence while some people can not be convinced of something no matter how much evidence there is... much of this comes from how you were raised and your own personal world view, for many people God does not fit into their world view so whatever evidence there is they close their eyes and say, «No, I don't believe that!»
The Missouri Supreme Court denied permission because there was no «clear and convincing, inherently reliable evidence» that the patient would have wished such a fate for herself.
You said, «While you may feel certain that God does not exist, yet for the very same level of available evidence, another person is absolutely convinced of the existence of God.
Please note, * I * am not asking for any evidence or proof of your imaginary friends and tribal myths — I am 100 % convinced there is none.
It seems that no convincing evidence suggests that for you.
Unfortunately for you, not only is there absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support any of these claims, the existence of any such God leads to numerous questions and apparent inconsistencies for which none of you can provide convincing answers.
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